Uncommon but Powerful Marketing Strategies for One-Man Businesses With $0 Budget

4 min readJan 7, 2020
Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash

You have probably heard the advice “focus on doing things that don’t scale” a thousand times already. But when starting out and working with a small-to-zero budget, I think that that’s exactly what you should be doing. In this post, I will share some things that have worked well for me when building different kinds of products/websites. I will focus on sharing the ones that I haven’t personally seen shared elsewhere and will hopefully have the most value for you.

Take care of the obvious

In this post, I assume that you have already done the obvious. For example, you have all relevant social media accounts setup, with extensive profiles and actively post to them. You have already done some SEO for your website. You already told your friends/colleagues. I consider that the “obvious” and the bare minimum that you should have already taken care of, so I won’t focus on those anymore.

Things that have worked for me:

1. Ask for honest feedback in Reddit

I went on to Reddit for a relevant (super important) subreddit, and posted my website there telling what I had done so far and asking for honest feedback. This was a huge success, I got over 1,000 visits…




Software Engineer & Side-project enthusiast. I have built side-projects with 150k active users/month. Constantly building and testing out new ideas.