How the mind works with identity politics and propaganda

Olly Wass
2 min readNov 14, 2016


You are not your thoughts nor feelings.

You are far larger than anything you can be aware of, any jumble of beliefs which you might label your mind, or your character personality.

The Human Mind, that creation which we mistakenly call ‘I’, loves its identities. It is built to identify; with its body, its gender, with its skin colour, with its religion, with its political party, with its sports team, with its crowd, with its beliefs and opinions. It is a jumble of thoughts.

Hold your identities loosely, they do not define what you are, essentially you are beyond them all.

I like people who essentially identify simply as Being Human.

Such people tend to have a good perspective, that all humanity is inherently the same, the world over, made of exactly the same stuff. They essentially love and have compassion and empathy for all of humanity.

This includes understanding the fallible nature of humanity, the imperfections of humanity, and the source where this stems from evolving through nature and nurture.

One day I hope all humans will share this inherent understanding, empathise and identify simply as being human.

When it comes to Identity, this mechanism of the mind is sometimes labelled the ego. In this context we could say the ego is that part of the mind that is constantly examining and assessing the world and identifying as this and that within it.

To empower itself, these ego identities seem to love to conflict with other ego identities. I am like this, you are like that. I believe this, you believe that.

Politics exacerbates this. As soon as we identify with a political party, as being ‘left wing’ or ‘right wing’, media and party propaganda more easily manipulate us. This can divide people, families, and friends, a situation, which can cause stagnation and disempowerment.

We are told what to think, we are told what to feel. Politics becomes less about actual issues and policies, and all about identity.

I am of the opinion that party politics has failed humanity for many, many years.

Die hard party supporters; see through rose tinted spectacles and often over look the transgressions of their government if the party they identify with are in power.

So examine and hold your identities lightly.

Rather than identifying as right wing or left wing, identify as being human and unite to discuss issues on a case by case basis as to what is right and can realistically work when it comes to policy and the type of society and world we all want to live in.

