2 min readOct 3, 2022


Society is quick in labeling people.
" That man is stingy, aradite gum".

"The lady is pompous and rude".

"That woman is a witch " and the list could go on.

Do you ever wonder why he is like that?

Do we care what she is going through?

Every toxic person has a pain he or she is nursing. Those that cause pain are ever in pain. All they need is healing.

Can you be a caregiver or a life giver to the tormented, oppressed soul?

The more you help in healing a wounded soul, the more you are healed too.

Please be kind. Stop labeling negatively, be positive.

Let me tell a story.

There was this lady in our fellowship who has a deadly tongue, acidic tongue I call it.

She has no kind words for others. Everything irritates her about people, so she always picks on brethren with her acidic tongue.

Everyone started to complain about her. She became a thorn in our flesh. Most of us began to avoid her like a plague but it never solved her problem she grew worse in the fellowship hurting people again and again. Oh, how we prayed for our sister. It was like God was not answering us.

Then it occurred to me that she has a terrible past and hurting and all we need was to help her to let go of her hurts.

The opportunity came one day when two of us accosted her after preaching a superb message to us. We praised and extolled her virtues till she started to weep.
Then we asked her why she was found hurting people.
Her cries increased, she wept until she was spent. Then she began her story......

Encourage someone today.



MEET REV. MRS OLUKEMI OLODUDE (Relationship Coach) Olukemi Olodude is a Non-Fiction writer, Author, gospel music minister, preacher/teacher of the Word,