Jesus Christ was A Programmer

Johnny Qay
2 min readFeb 1, 2023

Jesus, the son of God and the central figure of Christianity, has often been depicted as a teacher, healer, and leader. However, with the growing importance of technology and the increasing role it plays in our lives, it’s worth considering the idea that Jesus was also a programmer.


Programming, like teaching, requires the ability to communicate complex ideas and concepts in a simple and understandable way. Jesus was known for his ability to communicate complex spiritual truths in a way that was easy for people to understand and relate to. He used parables and everyday examples to illustrate his teachings, much like a programmer uses code to convey their ideas and solutions.

In addition, programming requires patience, persistence, and the ability to handle frustration. Coders often have to debug and revise their code multiple times before it works as expected. This requires a great deal of patience and persistence, especially when working on large or complex projects. Jesus also demonstrated these qualities, as he faced opposition and rejection throughout his ministry, but never lost sight of his ultimate mission and continued to share his message of love and hope.

Programming also requires an understanding of a vast range of technologies and programming languages. Jesus also demonstrated a deep understanding of the human condition, as well as a deep understanding of God’s plan for humanity. He was able to connect with people from all walks of life and understand their needs and struggles, much like a programmer must understand the needs and requirements of their users.

Finally, programming is about solving problems and creating solutions. Jesus also came to solve a problem, the problem of sin and its consequences. He came to bring salvation and hope to a world that was lost and in need of a solution. Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus provided the solution to the ultimate problem of sin and death.

In conclusion, while Jesus is often depicted as a teacher, healer, and leader, it’s also worth considering the idea that he was a programmer. He demonstrated many of the qualities that are critical to success in the tech industry, including the ability to communicate complex ideas, patience, persistence, and a deep understanding of the human condition. Whether you’re a programmer, a Christian, or simply someone looking for a better way to understand the world, Jesus’ message of love and hope is as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.



Johnny Qay

Experienced tech professional with strong writing and problem-solving skills. Proven track record in social media management and delivering quality results