Nihinlola Olowe, PhD in view
4 min readAug 8, 2019


The Dangers of Pornography

If you have ever visited the beach, there is something called Quick sand.

Is a trap

When water floods sand below the surface, the sand particles get pushed apart. The result is a muddy mixture of the two that can’t support the weight of a person. When someone walks over it, they sink down. It’s a trap known as quicksand. As the person sinks down, it pushes the water out creating a vacuum effect that secures its victim tighter and tighter. Sometimes it only takes moments to absorb someone into a desperate situation.

This is what mostly happen to people who die at the beach and this is also what Pornography does to millions of people.

Pornography starts simple enough without any sign of danger, a movie on cable or the click on your mobile device .
We tell ourselves there’s nothing wrong with it, or perhaps it’s not that bad, even though we keep it secret. Pretty soon what started as “controllable” and “here and there” turns into a habit, deeper and deeper. But the user is not the only one affected.

The consequences for our society as a whole is alarming. Knowing the dangers and taking them seriously will allow us to avoid getting ensnared.

I will briefly share a few points on the danger of Pornography:

  • Addiction:

Few months ago I was somewhere around shomolu myself and some guys were having a discussion on masturbation and pornography and trust me they said the very moment you become an habitual watcher of porn it becomes very difficult to stop. Even in spite of an intense desire to live porn free life because of how it was affecting their lives in a negative way.

One even told me there is no way you will watch porn and not masturbate.

Although one of them said with prayer and also his busy work schedules he can't remember the last time he watched porn. But many have not even been able to quit. They are slaves serving a master.
imagine you addicted to such a lifestyle.

You can't even concentrate in class or at work without watching porn.

  • Porn Ruins Relationship:

Imagine some important relationships in your life like:

👉 Your relationship with your parents and other family members

👉 your relationship with your friends or partner in a dating/ married relationship.

👉 your relationship with your employer if you are working.

Imagine they discover you watch porn and the worst of it is you spending the time you are suppose to spend with this important figures in your life with pornography.

Intimate relationships demand an investment of time and energy. It involves sacrifice and vulnerability. All of those things are difficult. Porn is a cheap and quick way to avoid all of that in order to get a momentary rush of similar feelings that intimacy brings. The problem is that the desires that would be found in a relationship are replaced by porn. Sex becomes a selfish pursuit of recreating scenes from movies (if it doesn’t disappear altogether).

Pornography lowers sexual satisfaction. One of the devastating effects of pornography and other sexually explicit material is that it sabotages the ability to enjoy normal sex, which can lead to serious marital issues.

You see you should run away from porn if you don't want to have issues with sex when you marry.

Pornography also lowers commitment and can lead to infidelity. Research also found that “people who didn’t view any porn had lower levels of negative communication, were more committed to the relationship and had higher sexual satisfaction.”

  • It gives unrealistic expectations:

It’s no secret that the pornography industry in order to make money, they make everything look absolutely perfect. Professional porn actors have a whole team of people to make every detail look perfect, from directing and filming to lighting and makeup, maybe even a plastic surgeon or two to thank.

Strong editing is used when making pornography, giving viewers unrealistic expectations of what real relationships should be like.

  • Unhealthy sex education

One study found that “94 percent of children [were] exposed to pornography ... before age 14, and 53 percent said they believed what they saw was a realistic depiction of sexual relations.”

Some teens from this study have even begun to imitate what they've seen in pornography videos. One boy in the study said, “One of my friends has started treating women like he sees on the videos. Not major, just a slap here or there.”

When teens see the explicit content and believe that’s what sexual relations should be like, expectations of real sex become warped.

  • Finally
    It causes feelings of loneliness

Remember I said in my previous post that the more one uses pornography, the more lonely one becomes.

It leaves a feeling of loneliness and anxiety, and consuming more pornography seems like the only way to fix it.

People with a pornography problem might want to keep it secret, for fear of rejection, hurt or various other reasons. It can be isolating, and it’s important for them to have a good support system.

Pornography shouldn’t be something that no one talks about. Because so many people struggle with it, it’s important to create an atmosphere of love instead of shame, embarrassment and ridicule. Just like other problems, pornography isn't something that should be handled alone.

In my next post, I will write on:

How to avoid pornography

I believe you have learnt something.

Much love from,

Counsellor Nihinlola Olowe

