These 5 Home Treatments Can Help You Ease Pleurisy Symptoms

5 min readSep 25, 2016


Can you guess the one thing you have in common with George Washington and Mahatma Ghandi? Yep. The former two suffered from pleurisy as well. And while adding your name to the list of suffers like Keira Knightly and Elvis Presley may have others seeing stars -the symptoms of pleurisy will leave you feeling anything but A-list. In this post, we’ll cover five home treatments to help ease pleurisy symptoms.

Pleurisy is caused when the double-layered membrane that covers the lungs and lines the rib cage (pleura), becomes inflamed. The pleura protects the lung surface as it inflates and deflates within our rib cage. Normally, there is a narrow gap filled with a lubricating fluid between the two layers. This allows the two surfaces to gently glide past each other. When the pleura becomes inflamed, lubrication is impaired and the two layers rub against each other. This friction is intensified with breathing, coughing or sneezing, resulting in a sharp pain.

In addition to dry cough, shallow breathing due to discomfort and sometimes fever, this sharp chest pain when breathing is the signature symptom of pleurisy.

Pleurisy can be caused by pneumonia, tuberculosis, chest injuries, medications and other diseases present in the body. While the below treatments can help to ease pleurisy symptoms at home, it’s important to see your doctor as pleurisy can result from an underlying illness.


Common in Chinese Medicine, astragalus is used to strengthen the immune system and treat illnesses that range from the common cold to cancer. This herb can increase energy, help balance adrenal output triggered by stress and aid in the treatment of respiratory ailments. Additionally, the polysaccharides found in astragalus provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can aid in the relief of pleurisy. Astragalus is also safe for long term use, making it an ideal option to sip throughout the cold/flu season.

Astragalus Root Tea

To make a tea simply add one teaspoon of dried astragalus root to a cup and pour boiling water over the herb. Let the astragalus root steep for 10–15 minutes and then strain. Sip to enjoy. The tea can be consumed 2–4 times daily as an immune booster to help combat pleurisy. Alternatively, astragalus can also be taken in tablet or capsule form.

Astragalus Tea


Studies suggest that selenium is a vital component to help our immune system function as it should. For example, selenium can help to provide white blood cells the nourishment they need to help our bodies fight off infections and illness. Once combined with vitamin E, selenium works as an antioxidant to combat cell damaging free radicals.

Low selenium levels have been associated with an elevated risk of poor immune function. In one study, patients with TB pleurisy where found to have lower levels of selenium than those in the control group.

Research suggests that when it comes to treating pleurisy, getting enough selenium may be an important factor. However, selenium supplementation is only recommended if a deficiency actually exists. Common symptoms of selenium deficiency include: low immunity, constant fatigue, hypothyroidism and brain fog. To determine your current selenium levels, a blood test or hair test can be arranged by your doctor.

One of the easiest ways to increase selenium levels is through natural foods. Natural food sources of selenium include liver, butter, fish, garlic, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds. In addition, selenium can be taken in capsule form. Safe dosage limits can be found here.


Capsicum has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial in the treatment of pleurisy. Capsicum also helps to detoxify the body by clearing congested mucous membrane located in the nose and lungs. The vitamin C and vitamin E found in capsicum aids the immune system in combating bacteria and viruses. Capsicum can be found naturally in bell peppers, chili peppers and hot peppers.

Pleurisy Root

Pleurisy root is a medical plant that is historically used to treat all manner of lung and respiratory conditions. Its name stems from -you guessed it- the lung condition pleurisy. This root is used to relieve the pain and inflammation resulting from pleurisy. It’s also used to help open the airways and treat bronchitis, cold, pneumonia and the flu. Expectorant herbs like pleurisy root help to eliminate mucous and loosen phlegm.

Pleurisy Root Tea

To make a tea, place one teaspoon of dried pleurisy root in a cup. Pour one cup of boiling water over the herb and allow the tea to steep for 30 minutes. Strain and sip to enjoy.

Pleurisy root is a medicinal plant which means that there may be drug interactions, particularly with heart medication. Therefore, it’s important to consult with your doctor before use. Do not use this herb if pregnant or breastfeeding.

Pleurisy Root Tea

Olive Leaf

Olive leaf extract is a natural antibiotic that can help the body to ease the discomfort of pleurisy symptoms. The strength of olive leaf lies in oleuropein, one of its active ingredients. Oleuropein has the ability to destroy a wide range of pathogens by breaking down and destroying their cell walls. It’s also an effective anti-inflammatory. In a study conducted on mice with carrageenan-induced pleurisy the use of oleuropein aglycone, an olive oil compound, significantly reduced inflammation.

Olive leaf can be consumed in liquid extract form, capsules or by using the dried leaves to create a soothing tea.

Olive Leaf Tea

To make olive leaf tea, place one teaspoon of dried olive leaf in a cup. Pour one cup of boiling water over the dried herb and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and sip to enjoy.

Olive Leaf Tea

Originally published at Oloxir.




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