5 TRENDS IN UI/UX [2023]

Akinbola Ajayi
2 min readJan 20, 2023


We expect several fascinating advancements in the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design fields in 2023. Here are just a few trends that the sector is most likely to follow this year:

  1. Concentration on Empathetic: A focus on empathy and understanding the user’s demands is one of the critical trends in UX/UI design. Designers will consequently be working to develop products that are user-friendly and intuitive, while also taking into account the particular needs and preferences of various user groups.

2. More Personalised Experiences: With the growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning, more individualized experiences in UX/UI design are to be expected. This implies that interfaces will be able to pick up on and modify the preferences and actions of specific users, improving their effectiveness and efficiency.

3. The use of 3D and AR: As virtual and augmented reality become more popular, we can expect to see more designers experimenting with 3D and AR in their designs. This technology can be used to start creating more immersive and interactive experiences, as well as to assist users in visualizing and capable of understanding complex information.

4. Dark Style Everywhere: Dark mode has become increasingly popular in recent years, and we can expect to see more designers integrating it into their designs in 2023. This is because dark mode can be more pleasant on the eyes.

5. Speech Interface: Voice assistants are becoming extremely prevalent, and much more designers will incorporate them into their design features in 2023. This innovation can be used to make products more user-friendly and efficient, as well as to end up making them more accessible to users with impairments.

These are just a handful of the themes that will likely influence the UX/UI design industry in 2023. Given how quickly technology is developing, designers will keep pushing the envelope to give users more customized and interesting experiences.

