1 min readDec 8, 2021


There are a lot of challenges a person faces as a freelancer. Many people struggle with what content to create, the right target audience, if their content is good enough, if it would reach a wide market and many other things you can think of.

For me, one major challenge I face is completing a content. I'm sure I'm not the only one going through this. Have you ever gotten to that point where you're mid-way creating a content and then you pause and ask yourself who are you actually targeting? Or what do you hope to achieve in the end with your content? Sometimes I find myself in that loophole asking these questions.

But taking courses and having online mentors, I've been taught that before you begin anything, think about the ending. Guess this is what we call the beginning from the end. And it's really important to know who you are targeting with your content before you begin creating it.

Although I'm not liberated from these challenges, these advice helps relieve the strain in my content. Even though my contents may take longer than usual, they get finished.


I am a copywriter/storyteller🙂 I have a lot of interests