Zero is Infinity

Ilyá Belsky
3 min readFeb 10, 2019


Let's start from the things we know and have no resistance against:
1. The universe is infinite.
2. The human mind is limited.

The ultimate step of the mind is to accept the infinity of things which surpasses it.

— Pascal

We have an idea of the infinite universe in our limited mind and it feels complete. It feels like we understand it: “The universe is very big. We are here, on Earth, flying in the middle of infinity.”

But the limited mind is not able to comprehend the infiniteness of infinity.
The only way we can approach infinity is by applying the consequences of the infiniteness to our limited model of the world.

Everything that touches infinity becomes infinite.

I mean, anything. Not only time or space. Anything you can think of is possible in the infinite universe.
Any probability of any event becomes 100% in the infinite universe.

But if it's so, why it's not happening? Or if it's happening, how we can control it and choose?


Zero is the hidden infinity right in front of us. Even closer. Zero is in zero distance from us.
While the infinite space of the universe is somewhere far away, behind the farthest stars. While the infinite time of the universe is far in the future, after the last star will die. Zero collapses infinity of the universe right into here and now. Into zero distance from us. Into this exact moment. Right now we are sitting in the infinity. Right now everything is possible with 100% probability. Right now we have infinite choices what to think about, what to focus on, what micro-movement to do with our body. We are in the zero now. And from here there is an infinity of exits. Infinity of new beginnings.

But we choose to begin to think the same thoughts. To fear the same fears. To hold the same opinions about the world. To move our body with the same patterns.

It's the inertia of our minds that prevents us from noticing that at every moment we begin from nothing.

We have a train of baggage from the past that moves in the same direction as a moment ago, and it seems impossible to stop it. We’re trying to change our lives by applying constant force to this train so it changes its direction a little.

The fact is that without the train there is no inertia. When we stop completely we can move in any direction immediately.

Use Zero to release yourself from the baggage.

Everything that touches zero becomes zero and gives you infinite new beginnings.

Take your limited beliefs about the future, about the way things going to happen or should work, and bring them here into Zero. They do not exist anymore, so any future becomes possible.
Take your behavior patterns that were working in the past and bring them here into Zero. They are gone, so every behavior is acceptable and working now.

Without the baggage when you in Zero you have nothing to aim or avoid in the future. You have nothing to run from or clinch to in the past.

The only way to choose the direction of the next step is to ask your heart. The heart is at zero distance from you. The heart pulses in zero time from now. The heart never knows the past or the future. So it’s not affected by illusions. It always knows what’s feels good right now.

