Who is a Shareholder: Understanding Your Stake in the Game

Olufemi Chris
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on Unsplash

In the fancy conversation among friends and family who are a bit financially literate, the term “shareholder” often finds its way into conversations about companies, stocks, and ownership. But what exactly does it mean to be a shareholder, and how does it impact your financial journey? Let’s embark on a friendly and enlightening exploration of shareholders and unveil the role they play in the financial landscape.

Who is a Shareholder?

At its core, a shareholder is an individual, entity, or institution that owns one or more shares of a company’s stock. By purchasing shares, an individual or entity becomes a shareholder and acquires a proportional ownership stake in the company, entitling them to certain rights and privileges. To learn more about shares click here

Understanding Ownership Through Shares:

Imagine a company as a pie, and each share of stock as a slice of that pie. When you become a shareholder by purchasing shares of the company’s stock, you essentially claim your portion of the pie — your stake in the company’s success and fortunes.

Rights and Privileges of Shareholders:

As a shareholder, you enjoy a range of rights and privileges, including:

1. Voting Rights: In most cases, each share of stock you own grants you the right to vote at shareholder meetings on important company matters, such as electing the board of directors and approving corporate policies. No matter your nationality, if you own a share of Apple (AAPL) you have rights in top-level decisions but the number of shares you own determines how weighty your opinion is when voting.

2. Dividends: Shareholders may receive dividends, which are distributions of the company’s profits paid out to shareholders on a regular basis — quarterly or annually. These dividends can provide a source of passive income (cash flow) for individuals.

3. Capital Appreciation: Shareholders have the right to benefit from capital appreciation — the increase in the value of their shares over time. As the company grows and prospers, the value of its stock may rise, allowing shareholders to potentially sell their shares at a profit.

4. Information Access: Shareholders have the right to access important company information and financial reports, enabling them to make informed investment decisions.

Types of Shareholders:

1. Individual Investors: Every day individuals like you and I, who purchase shares of stock through brokerage accounts or investment platforms.

2. Institutional Investors: These are large financial institutions, such as pension funds, mutual funds, and hedge funds, that invest on behalf of their clients or shareholders like Berkshire Hathaway founded by Warren Buffet. They currently have a portfolio of stocks worth billions of dollars.

3. Insiders: Company insiders, such as executives, employees, and board members, who own shares of the company’s stock as part of their compensation or investment portfolios.

Why Being a Shareholder Matters:

1. Ownership and Influence: As a shareholder, you have a voice in the direction and management of the company. Your votes and actions can influence corporate decisions and policies. Imagine you could have a say in whether your football team will sell your favorite player or not, that exactly is the power you can possess as a shareholder, and you can use this for good.

2. Financial Growth: Investing in shares of successful companies is one of the most reliable ways to build wealth and can lead to financial growth and wealth accumulation over time, as your ownership stake appreciates in value and generates dividends. The world’s greatest Investor — Warren Buffet — built his wealth from investing in stocks(a shareholder).

3. Diversification: Owning shares in multiple companies allows you to diversify your investment portfolio, spreading risk across different sectors and industries. It also preserves your money from the effect of inflation.

Becoming a shareholder is more than just owning a piece of a company — it’s a journey of financial empowerment and participation in the global economy. By understanding the rights and responsibilities that come with being a shareholder, you can navigate the world of investments with confidence and clarity, unlocking new opportunities for growth and prosperity along the way. So, whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, embrace your role as a shareholder and embark on a path to building wealth with this asset class.

With Love ❤✌💰

Olufemi Chris



Olufemi Chris

I document my thoughts, experience and insights in; Personal & Business Finance || Business Analysis || Life Generally || Startup