Adegbamigbe Adewumi Olufisayo
3 min readOct 7, 2023

Since 1957 when Ghana became the first African nation to gain independence from colonial rule, a lot has been expected from the BLACK CONTINENT as we have been called. Many African leaders have come and gone and many are still to come.
As at 2023, majority of African nations, I mean a good chunk of the 52 member nations of the African Union have adopted democracy with the aim and desire to better the lots of their citizens. Even at that very few African nations are considered second world not to talk of being considered as First world countries.
The reasons are not far-fetched, hunger, lack of basic amenities, poverty, high death rate, increase in crime rate just to mention but a few have been the characteristics of these nations. Yet a good number of them have their leaders living expensive lives that 99% of their citizens can only dream of, yet the same leaders claim that their countries are broke.
Not long ago, some African heads of nations travelled outside the continent for a conference, these same leaders had borrowed funds from their European counterparts and on arrival at the country of the meeting, we saw many European leaders pairing themselves inside small chartered vehicles but their African counterparts were seen hovering around in the most expensive vehicles available.
Back home in Africa, they left their countries with hungry and angry youths, skyrocketing national debts, poor/non-working health care systems leaving us to ask if truly Africa is poor.
These issues coupled with the fact that some African leaders have refused to relinquish power have given rise to military take overs in some countries on the continent. There have been military coups/takeovers over time, but the number reduced for a while but in the last 5 years we have seen a rise in coups in the following countries which include but many not be limited to:
Mali: 2020
Chad: 2021
Mali: 2021
Guinea: 2021
Sudan: 2021
Niger: 2021
Burkina Faso: 2022 (twice)
Gabon: 2023
Niger: 2023
The list might increase soon if proper actions are not taken. It is noteworthy that many coups cannot happen without shedding of innocent blood. Why won’t there be coups? When a leader stays in power for 2,3,4 decades yet the livelihoods of his citizenry do not improve.
Although in some continents like Asia, Europe there are countries with leaders staying in power for quite some time but there we say the leader is performing so there may not be agitations. But here, a father stays in power for decades and hands over power to his son who also pursues the same ambition and in the process turning government office to a family business with little or no achievements to show for it.
I see a tide blowing without respect for persons, we have seen a couple of coups/military takeovers in recent years we might see more and more in the coming months/years if African leaders do not understand that the citizens are hungry and angry. With this in place, they or the military might do the unthinkable.
Alan Paton wrote a book titled Cry Beloved Country now the title of this book is seen happening in many nations in the continent.
Africa must rise, Africa must grow, Africa must be free.

Adegbamigbe Adewumi Olufisayo

Am a gifted writer, trained Poultry and pig livestock farmer, feed formulator, consultant, author, coach and business enthusiast.