A Problem Statement About The Lack Of Consistent Supply Of Electricity In The Modern Nigerian Community.

Ogunsanya Olusegun Elijah
3 min readApr 26, 2022


Electrical Power Grid


It is not a hidden fact that one of the major problems in Nigeria today is the lack of consistent electricity. The recent collapse of the National grid is proof that the country is indeed behind when it comes to supplying electricity adequately and consistently; this affects all states, communities, and regions in the country. One may attribute this to a wide range of reasons including incompetent government, excessive consumption on the part of the consumers, incapable electrical staff, lack of proper funding, corruption, nonchalant attitude towards the development of electricity supply by those concerned, and the list goes on…

This issue is a canker worm biting deep into the economy of the state in the sense that many industries and establishments which are involved in the growth of the commercial and economic system or network of the country, depend predominantly on the national grid to supply unremitted and standard electricity to ensure that industrial and commercial activities do not crash. However, this does not solely apply to industrial levels, even in the domestic setting such as communities and cities, electricity is very crucial for basic purposes as many people rely on a constant supply of electricity for their everyday lives.


The situation is deplorable, and it seems like everyone is despondent. But like Betty Williams once said, “There’s no use talking about the problem unless you talk about the solution”. Fortunately, there are possible solutions to this issue, and hence the question “How effective can this solution be, and what is involved in implementing those processes and procedures?” Well…we can only hope and try our best to make things right. But one of the most effective methods of improving electricity supply is through the implementation and utilization of renewable energy, solar energy in this case.

There are other types of renewable energy sources like wind turbines and hydropower, but the solar power supply is one of the most popular ways to generate electricity. Furthermore, according to studies, electricity production by photovoltaic solar panels is more sustainable and eco-friendly than electricity powered by fossil fuels and nuclear power plants as it doesn’t emit gases that can be harmful to the environment. However, it may require the total readiness of the government to implement this method as it is costly.

The problem can also be solved by:

1• Increasing the capital allocation for the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN), including an analysis of its budget performance.

2• Upgrade of Transmission Equipment: One of the major reasons for the erratic supply of electricity in our community is because many devices used in the transmission of power are either no longer working, unavailable or outdated. To resolve this problem, such pieces of equipment need to be fixed, maintained properly, or replaced if the need arises.

3• Working with advanced countries: Many countries have succeeded in supplying electricity 24/7. It will go a long way if we can study their methods and work with them to change our current situation.

4• Engagement of qualified staff: Distribution companies should only retain staff who have tested as qualified and competent to drive the new effective and efficient system.

5• Adoption of conservative policies: The government should dismiss the use of devices that waste energy. Energy saving devices such as LED bulbs should be incorporated.


The current state of the supply of electricity is very disheartening, and there are several factors responsible for this such as, bad governance, incompetent staff, lack of necessary equipment, and so on. These problems can potentially be solved by using energy saving systems, upgrading transmission equipment and adequate capital allocation to the transmission company. However, the inconsistent supply of electricity can only be resolved if the government take up the necessary strategy. But then again, it may be up to us to raise awareness and continue to fight to improve that aspect of the country as a whole.



Ogunsanya Olusegun Elijah

I'm a multi - niche writer. My passion for writing is fueled by enthusiasm.