Mastering the Art of Making, Managing, and Multiplying Money

Oluwakayode Bello
6 min readJun 7, 2023
Photo by Karolina Grabowska


In today’s fast-paced world, financial literacy and the ability to effectively make, manage, and multiply money are crucial skills for long-term success and financial freedom. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive guide to developing these skills and creating a solid foundation for your financial well-being. By understanding the strategies and practical examples discussed, you’ll be equipped to take control of your financial future.

Why You Must Learn to Make, Manage, and Multiply Money

Before delving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand why acquiring the knowledge and skills to make, manage, and multiply money is so important.

Learning to make, manage, and multiply money is essential because it helps you achieve your financial goals, such as paying off debts, saving for emergencies, investing for the future, and enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

Making, managing, and multiplying money skills are all interconnected. It is not enough to make money; you must also manage it effectively to ensure it grows over time. Additionally, multiplying your money can help you achieve financial goals that were once out of reach. Here are a few reasons why you must learn these skills:

a. Financial Stability

Making, managing, and multiplying your money can help you achieve greater financial stability. When you are financially stable, you can cover your expenses, save for your future, and deal with emergencies with ease.

b. Create Wealth

Successful money management and multiplication can help you create wealth. By investing your money in different vehicles, you can grow your wealth over time.

c. Achieve Financial Goals

With effective money management and multiplication, you can achieve your financial goals, like buying a home, saving for a college education for your kids, or even managing early retirement.

How to Make Money with Practical Examples

There are numerous ways to make money depending on your skills, experience, interests, and resources. Here are some practical examples:

a. Getting a Job

A job is one of the most conventional ways to make money. This could be a full-time job, part-time job, or freelance work. You can make a living wage with a steady paycheck, and you can also utilize these jobs to start saving money.

b. Starting a Physical Business

Starting a business can be a source of immense wealth and financial freedom. You can begin by identifying a problem and solving it through a business. One great idea can lead to exponential earnings potential. You can start your business with a small budget and grow it over time by providing quality products and excellent customer service.

c. Starting an Online Business

If you have entrepreneurial skills, you can start an online business by selling products or services online, leveraging social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. To succeed in any online business, you must learn to generate quality leads and be able to convert them into buyers of your products or services.

Note: You can create a digital or physical product to sell or sell other people’s products and earn a commission for each sale. The process of selling other people’s products or services and earning commission on them is known as affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to earn income without creating or owning a product yourself.

d. Investing

Investing is another way to make money. You can invest in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, and other investment vehicles. With the proper investment knowledge, you can earn passive income and grow your money.

e. Freelancing

If you have skills in writing, graphics, programming, digital marketing, or any profession, you can offer your services as a freelancer to clients worldwide through various platforms, such as Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. You can earn good money depending on the number and quality of projects you complete.

f. Renting Out an Asset

You can make money by renting out assets such as a property to generate rental income. Rental income can be a good source of passive income for property owners, allowing them to earn money without the need for regular work or effort.

g. Investing in Your Education

Continuous learning and acquiring new skills can open doors to higher-paying job opportunities or even entrepreneurship. Don’t stop investing in knowledge. Take online courses, attend workshops and seminars, and go for certifications relevant to your field.

How to Manage Money with Practical Examples

Managing money is a crucial aspect of a healthy financial life. As the famous quote by Warren Buffett states, “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after savings.” This means that we must prioritize saving and managing our money before we can indulge in any luxuries. Below are practical examples of managing your money.

a. Budgeting

Budgeting is the process of creating a financial plan that helps you track and control your expenses. By budgeting, one can find and eliminate financial leaks, which can help improve overall financial health. Create a detailed budget that outlines your income, expenses, and savings goals. Track your spending, identify areas where you can cut back, and allocate funds towards savings and investments.

b. Saving

Saving money is also an essential aspect of money management. One must develop a habit of saving money, and this could be achieved through cutting back on expenditures, cutting down on frivolous spending, and avoiding impulse buys.

c. Paying Off Debts

One important way to manage money is to pay off debts. One should work on paying off high-interest debts, such as credit card debts and personal loans, to free up more income that can be applied towards further savings or investments.

d. Building Emergency Fund

Life is unpredictable, and unexpected financial emergencies can occur at any time. Having an emergency fund can help you handle these situations without incurring debt. Handling unexpected expenses, such as a medical emergency or a car repair, can be done by prioritizing spending and adjusting your budget. Set aside a portion of your income regularly to build an emergency fund. This fund act as a safety net during unexpected financial setbacks.

e. Retirement Planning

Start saving for retirement early by contributing to retirement accounts like 401(k) or Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Take advantage of employer-matching contributions and explore other retirement investment options.

How to Multiply Money with Practical Examples

Multiplying your money involves using your existing funds to create more wealth. It involves using investments and strategies to grow wealth. Here are practical examples of how to multiply money:

a. Investing in Real Estate

Purchasing properties, either for rental income or capital appreciation, can be a lucrative long-term investment. Conduct thorough research, analyze market trends, and seek advice from professionals.

b. Investing in the Stock Market

Invest in stocks of companies that show strong growth potential. Researching and analyzing financial statements and market trends is crucial before investing. It’s also essential to consult financial advisors to make informed investment decisions.

c. Building a Diversified Portfolio

Spread your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds. Diversification helps reduce risk and maximize potential returns.

d. Using Compound Interest

Take advantage of compounding by reinvesting your investment earnings. Over time, compounding can significantly grow your wealth.

e. Starting a Business

Starting a business can also help multiply money. Identify a viable business idea, conduct market research, and develop a comprehensive business plan. A startup can quickly gain traction and generate profits with the right business plan.

f. Starting a Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle can substantially increase your income and help you multiply your money. By putting in the time and effort to develop a product or service that others need or find valuable, you can create a stream of additional income that can supplement your primary source of income. Use your skill or talent to create a profitable side business that generates extra income.

g. Exploring Passive Income Streams

Explore opportunities for passive income, such as rental properties, stock dividends, peer-to-peer lending, or royalties from creative works. These income streams generate money without requiring active involvement.


Becoming proficient in making, managing, and multiplying money is an ongoing journey. By implementing the strategies and examples discussed in this blog post, you can enhance your financial literacy and take control of your financial future. Consistency, discipline, and continuous learning are vital to long-term financial success. Start taking steps today towards a more prosperous tomorrow.

