Oluwakemi Toluwalase
3 min readJun 24, 2018


I wrote these facts in February for my birthday. I haven’t had the chance to post because of my new life struggle — balancing my blog life and my work life. I decided to post because today is my free day.

In no particular order, here are 30 random facts about me:

  • I’m Aquarius.
  • I’m 5’7″.
  • I don’t celebrate my birthdays.
  • ‎I’m an intro-extrovert (introvert & extrovert). I like to open the outside world, to demonstrate my strong and deep emotion to shine in the world.
  • I love to help humanity and to make life better.
  • I rarely take photos of myself and since two months now, I haven’t taken any selfie.
  • I cry at movies, books, songs, anything that gets slightly emotional.
  • I never ever watch horror movies.
  • I’m afraid of heights. That’s why I’ve never done zip-line/bungee jumping/plane jump — and I don’t plan to, either.
  • I’m addicted to Google Search.
  • I speak fluent sarcasm. I talk too fast when I get super excited.
  • I’m very stubborn and serious minded, willing to work tirelessly to achieve the desired.
  • I’m very hard (in a good way), if I set my mind to something no one’s opinion can lead me astray.
  • I’m STRONG WILLED. I never let anything or anyone’s emotions and state of mind affect me .
  • I’m spontaneous and I’m able to adapt to any circumstances.
  • If you make me happy, I will go completely out of my way to make you happy.
  • I have a sharp mind, but my impulsive nature cause me to act first, and only then to reflect (I know it is better to do the opposite, my mom tells me that always which I’m still working on).
  • I’m very unpredictable, there’s always something new to discover about me.
  • ‎I always try to find good in any situation. No challenge frightens me despite all I’ve been through over the years. I just love to stand up and get on with life.
  • I have realized that some people can’t change and you shouldn’t try to do so either. I love myself a lot because I always let go of negative influences.
  • ‎I love to spend more time and energy in myself. I love to feel a new sense of freedom.
  • I’m always nice to people who don’t deserve them and I don’t always cut them out of my life at an early stage.
  • I am a deep thinker, I like to analyze and over-analyze everything in deep detail before coming to conclusion on what really happened. I never take side in quarrels.
  • I procrastinate a lot but still always manage to get things done in the end.
  • I can figure out peoples’ true intention just by observing them.
  • I’m curious about almost everything that I know/wanna know. Actually, my curiosity is something that’s insatiable.
  • My greatest pleasure is having meaningful and productive conversations with loved ones and people.
  • I like poetry.. and poets, and lyrics, and singers, and speeches, and speakers, and blogs, and bloggers. — These are people that make words carry the world within them.
  • I hate bullying and if you bully me or others then you are simply giving me a chance to ignore you forever.
  • Some call me nerd. Some call me geek. Some call me weird. Some call me shy. And some even call me smart. I call myself different, unusual, unique.


Oluwakemi xx

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Oluwakemi Toluwalase

Lifestyle & Motivation Blogger (IG @iamots_o) | Co-CEO House of Dask (IG @daskbeauty) | Blog: https://iamots.wordpress.com | Online Store: http://bit.ly/shop-ot