Oluwakemi Odewumi
3 min readFeb 22, 2022

Title: Craziest Thing I’ve Ever Done!

If you know me personally, I doubt what you're about to read would have ever crossed your mind as something you'd hear from me. Well, let's dive straight into the matter.

2021 was such a defining year for me. I made wise and foolish decisions, took crazy steps, fell in love, fell out of love and fell in love again....*ahn ahn only you*

I got out of a relationship and in less than 3 months, I dusted my slippers, and got into a new one.

Crazy right?

Okay, let’s rewind a little.
My previous relationship was with someone I called my bestie. We had been best friends for more than 7 years and decided to test the waters of the relationship- I mean, what could go wrong? Well, we almost drowned. Now, leaving the relationship after a year wasn't an easy decision- beyond the relationship, our friendship was also affected by the breakup.

And then came DD…

Well, that's what I call him. I think hearing his version of how he didn't care that I was in a relationship but decided to play his cards nicely is somewhat fascinating lol. Now you're getting the gist.
DD was my friend while I was in my previous relationship (No, I wasn't cheating- don't even think about it.) I noticed all he did as a "friend" and appreciated it, and I barely even spoke about my relationship with him.

Fast forward to after my breakup and DD telling me about his intentions and how he wanted to take things from just being friends to more than friends😍😍 (that’s some guts yunno)

Anyway, I decided to take a leap of faith and so far, it's been bliss.

It's crazy cause I didn't even worry about what people would say (by people, I mean my close friends who knew about my previous relationship), and didn't care about how my bestie would feel finding out I had moved on. I was just looking out for my happiness, found my happy place and I moved. For once, I made a decision without overthinking.

Does my bestie know about it now? NO.

Do I care about what people's reactions would be? YES, that's why I rarely post pictures of DD and me because I'm not ready to explain anything (yet).

Do I have any regrets? NO, NOT AT ALL.

So, I guess this is me saying, don’t be afraid to do crazy things without regrets - but also be accountable for what you do. Sometimes, it might not work, and other times, those crazy things could lead to the most beautiful experiences.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done?

P.S: Happy Anniversary to US(in advance), DD😍


Oluwakemi Odewumi

A lover of God and also a divergent thinker who views the world in different perspective.