8 min readJul 1, 2023

Careful what you wish for!

We all bow our heads and say our wish silently, most times our wishes are random desire that comes to our mind, I wish I’m rich enough to get this, I wish I would just see a free ride, I wish this, I wish that on and on and on, but what if your random wishes came to past, what if you woke up someday and what you wished for was there right in front of you, will you like to go back and wished never to have make that wish, this was exactly what happened to me: CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISHED FOR!

I loved my boyfriend so much that It as if time should stop whenever I’m with him, I and Micheal have being seeing each other for six month now and God! He has been everything a lady could ask for, caring, sweet, random gifts, random compliments, adores me, everyday felt as though we just met, and oh my God he is into the tea ☕️ I mean our gists are out of this world and he pays attention to everything»

One day we were in my apartment cuddled up, I snuggled into his arms feeling so happy cos he is spending the night, he was a little asleep and I could hear him breathing, so peaceful, his breath was like serotonin(drugs that calm nerves) to me, I was about to close my eyes when I silently made a wish in my sleep.

Part two …..

Mummy! Mummy!, I was hearing this sweet tender voice from afar, more like that of a two to three years old girl calling on her mother, I smiled in my sleep who else doesn’t love babies, the voice kept approaching as if it was walking towards me, I was a little bit confused but the tiredness from the sleep wouldn’t make me open my eyes, Mummy! I felt a hand on my legs, Mummy! Now I can’t help it but get up.

Opened my eyes and saw a sweet little girl in front of me, hey darling how are you, how did you get in where is your mum, I looked around and everything looks so, so, different, Am i in the wrong house what’s going on, the child kept smiling to me Mummy, Daddy is in trouble, Mummy? Your mum is not here, I looked up again and looked around me, what am I doing here I murmured to my self, come mummy daddy is in trouble come, the girl kept urging me to get up, I stood up and I was wearing a different pajamas from what I wore to sleep, she pulled my finger and tried to draw me out, come mummy, I was confused but couldn’t help it I mean this cute little girl daddy’s is in danger.

I picked her up and asked her where her daddy is, where is your daddy?, in the kitchen, he is trying to put out the fire, fire! Where? She pointed to the kitchen direction, I walked into the kitchen and saw an handsome, tall, athletic fine ass man walking towards me,

I stood there and couldn’t help drooling on his looks, he walks up to kissed the little girl on her cheek, and surprisingly kissed me on my lips, my eyes were wide opened so many thoughts ran through my head within that moment, who the hell is this, why is he kissing me, as I was about to pushed him away from me and my lips, when he said,

Hey babe good morning hope you had a wonderful night? Still amazed and obviously confused I looked at him from head to toes and wondered who is this fine ass with the audacity out of this world to kiss someone he does not know, he turned and went back to the kitchen cabinet, I was about to make a breakfast, but I messed up he said and smiled, making jest of himself, then I noticed he was wearing the same pajamas as mine, I was so confused I drop the little girl and ran back inside the bedroom as quick as I could and locked the doors behind me

What in the world is going on, is this a dream, why am I here what in the world is going on, I ran to the dressing mirror in the room to check if I’m still me, kind of felt relived it was still my face, then I heard the daddy voice reminding me we going to meet my Mother, which was more confusing because I and my mother has a bad relationship at the moment like I don’t Want to see her, the last time we talked was three months ago, Mummy! the girl was in front of the door knocking,

Mummy! Door, open it, I walks towards the door and held the door knob, I screamed silently letting only air out, I am not your mother, I opened the door, and she was holding a picture, a baby picture more like a 6 month baby, she pointed it at me, I smiled and collected it from her, who is this I asked, Zoey she shouted joyfully, who is Zoey?, she jumped up and pointed to her self Meeee!!

I smiled, I couldn’t Help it, in the mist of confusion, I couldn’t help but smile at her cuteness, she is so beautiful and looked sweet in fact she looks like my younger sister when she was small,

I asked her to show me where she got the picture from, alright Zoey smiling at her do you have more picture of yourself that you would like to show me, she nodded and ran with her little legs towards the sitting room, I followed her, she pointed at her wall picture frame of a wrapped baby inside the sitting room, I looked up and to my Greatest surprise I saw a big wall frame of me and her daddy in a wedding picture

WHAT IS THIS, I screamed and walks towards the picture, my scream made her afraid she stood there and burst into tears, her daddy ran from where he was to the sitting room, still pointing at the picture, I looked at him in front of me and looked at the picture again and that was the last thing I saw.

I Fainted.

Part three….

Everywhere was silent and dark for a moment as if time had stopped and It felt void in my heart, then I heard a familiar Voice calling me, Laura, Laura!, my mum ran towards my bed and held my arm, Laura she called out again, apparently I had fainted and was admitted to the hospital,

Oh!oh! she has opened her eyes my mum pointed out to the man wearing same pajamas with me earlier,he was talking to the doctor when my mum told him I was awake, it is nothing serious as I said earlier it was just shock the doctor told him and my mum

«what could be the cause of the shock?» she asked, the man moved closer to me and bent over to kiss my forehead «I was really scared babe pls be good for me and Zoey» he said

I laid down there helpless, as I tried to unravel the mystery of what was going, everyone seems to be sane except me, «Mum who is this man (i pointed to, you know who) your husband she replied

«was I in coma? Wait is this a reality Tv show?, I stood up from my bed and held my mum shoulder, I know you, you are my mother, explain to me what is going on here? Have I gone mad?

My mum started crying, no darling you are not mad she replied, she called the doctor and asked if he is sure nothing serious was wrong with me, may be she wounded her head when she fell down she said teary.

Then it dawn on me that the only person I can trust not to joke with me at a moment like this is Micheal.

I hurriedly picked my mum phone from her sweater jacket, I tried to unlocked it , but it wasn’t opening I tried the second time, then I figured she has changed her password, as I tried to gave her back to unlock it for me, I noticed something on the Lock Screen, the day was different from what it was supposed to be, Micheal was sleeping over at my place on a Sunday night because, he was supposed to have a meeting with a client in a cafe not far from my place very early on Monday morning, but the day here says Friday, I collected the phone back from her…

«is there something wrong with your phone, she looked at me as if she doesn’t understand whatever I was saying, why is today Friday I asked, my mum and Zoey dads looks at me confused

«Mum where is Micheal, I know you hate him, but I need him now, my mum looked at me surprisingly and hissed, why are you asking about him she asked, is he the cause of All this?, did you guys meet?, what has Micheal got on you? She said

I smiled sarcastically « what has Micheal got on me, mum he is my boyfriend, «it has been 5 years Laura, 5 freaking years since we heard the last of him, get a hold of yourself she yelled.

I was so shocked, I held my head with my two hands, the 5 years echoed into my ears as if something had strucked my ear drums, and I couldn’t hear anything except an high pitched siren , it kept ringing loud that I scream out loud!!

Everything came back to me, like a lost memory, a blurring motion pictures but a vivid trance…

In my apartment with Michael, I was about to close my eyes when I silently made a wish in my sleep, I WISH I have it all together now, my husband, my little cute daughter who looks exactly like me, I just can’t wait anymore, IWISH time should be forwarded, I smiled and slept

I remembered everything now, I stopped screaming and stood there, eyes wide opened everyone including my mum has moved away from me fearfully,

I have travelled through time, my wish came true, I had jumped forward in time and in a whole different life, as a married woman with a daughter. I stood there, my mouth hung agape, I guess this is what people meant when they said, be careful what you wish for because you may get it, little did I know that my random thought would become reality, I tasted the truth of the saying, be careful what you wish for, it might just come true.



A writer inspired by her own experience, writing is a way of expressing myself and make sense of the world around me.