The Foundation of Wealth (1)

Mike Oluwole
5 min readSep 15, 2022


Picture taken from

Wealth is like a glamorous, magnificent, and luxurious edifice, quick to be seen and publicly available for admiration. — Oluwole A. Michael

Wealth is glamorous because it possesses an alluring womanly beauty — the kind that makes it irresistible. It is magnificent due to its grand and exceptional appearance. It is luxurious because it harbors the kind of pleasure that only expensiveness can purchase.

The Marina Bay Sands resort, located in Singapore. Picture taken from

Have you seen an awe-inspiring edifice that captures your undivided attention before? A beautiful man-made building! The kind that swept you completely off your feet? One that made you beg a passer-by to generously become your momentary photographer, just so he or she could take pictures of you — pictures that’ll later become your treasured souvenirs?

If you haven’t, you might want to check out the Burj Khalifa Building in Dubai,currently the world’s tallest building.

Burj Khalifa, Dubai. Picture taken from Guinness World Records.

Maybe you should probably see the Petronas Twin Towers of Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia, or the Leaning Tower of Pisa, located in Italy.

Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia. Getty Images.
The Leaning Tower, Italy. Picture taken from Travel

You could also check out the Taj Mahal of Agra, in India.

Taj Mahal, India. Getty Image.

Do you agree with me, my brilliant reader, that wealth is indeed similar to an impressive edifice, noticeable and publicly available for everyone’s admiration?

Whether you agree or disagree with me, it is my pleasure to still walk you further, just so I could share with you an interesting discovery of mine. It is a discovery that I strongly believe will come by easily, on your journey to create wealth for yourself, your family, your community, your company, your state, your country or the global world at large.

You see, for every wonderful edifice, there is always a foundation, a concealed man-made solid ground upon which it stands. It is this unseen man-made ground, which is buried beneath the edifice in focus, which supports its enormous and gigantic weight, thus giving all who would dare to occupy such edifice a sense of security.

An architectural fabric with a solid foundation. Picture taken from

If you agree with me that wealth is like an edifice, then you will find it quite easy to agree with me, once again, that wealth must also possesses its own foundation. Is that right?

If it follows that wealth also possesses its own foundation, then the following question must be asked:

what is the foundation of wealth?

The above question is the inspiration behind this article. It is a question that suddenly occurred to me on the very day I made the decision to become a student of wealth.

This question got me thinking for days, until my inquisitive mind was inspired with a rather simple but convincing answer. I felt like a sage when I discovered this particular answer.

However, I wasn’t quite sure whether anyone would agree with such simple answer. This uncertainty of mine compelled me even further to carry out a short research, just to be quite sure whether or not my answer could stand against opposing answers.

Much to my amazement, my answer seems much more fundamental and convincing than any other opposing answers that I came across online and even offline — in books.

The defining moment that deepens my personal conviction about my answer, reinforced my confidence and even encouraged me to share the answer with my readers came when I stumbled upon two profound quotes of some of the most famous philosophers in the history of the world.

What then is that simple, convincing, and fundamental answer which I discovered? Furthermore, what are these two profound quotes that served as agents of deeper conviction, reinforced confidence and sustained encouragement?

The answer, my dear reader, is a single but popular word — a word that all those who are quite familiar with high school economics textbooks would surely know.

Please allow me to riddle you at this point!

Do you remember one of the many topics taught in your economics class titled PRODUCTION? If so, then you are very close to figuring out the answer that I have been bragging about since the beginning of this article.

Alright, this is the riddle: what is the one word that contains the letter ‘b’ among the four infamous factors of production?

Here are some hints to help you further narrow down the answer, all by yourself.

1. Identify and write down all the four factors of production.

2. Look for the word with letter ‘b’ among all four.

Congratulation! You have discovered the answer!

Oh! You want to be sure you got the correct answer?

No problem! Just follow these steps to be sure the word you singled out is the same word that I also have in mind.

Step 1: Count the letters of the word you singled out? It must not be less than or more than six letter word.

Step 2: Check to see whether the word you singled out has the letter ‘o’ in it; for it is also the only word, among the four factors of production, which has the letter ‘o’ in it.

If you are confident you have gotten the very word that I also have in mind, then I dare you to share it in the comment section! Let us see whether you are correct or not!

I have revealed this very word — the answer to my question regarding the foundation of wealth — in my next article titled: The Foundation of Wealth (2).

I shall also endeavor to share with you those two eye-opening quotes from the two great philosophers that I indicated— the quotes that lent credence to my discovery.

This particular publication is the first of the many series on WEALTH that I intend to share with you. To get notified immediately when the next article is published on medium, do ensure you click on the follow button below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

