Trampolining and stack safety in Scala

Making every call a self recursive tail call

Oleksii Avramenko
4 min readSep 6, 2017


Scala compiler doesn’t have tail call elimination in general. This makes functions composed of many smaller functions prone to stack overflows.


The Scala compiler is able to optimize a specific kind of tail call known as a self-recursive call:

Uses constant stack

We need a way to transform every call into a self-recursive call that compiler will optimize.


As in example above, multiple functions can be invoked in a recursive process but we can have only one self-recursive function to make it stack safe. We need to change our functions to build a description of a program instead of actually making any recursive calls. Then, we would need some sort of generic function that will go through our description and evaluate each recursion step.

Approach #1

Let’s start with algebraic data type that would represent our recursive program:

Trampoline is the term for this technique, think about it as a program description.

The program description can be either:

  • Done if there are no computations to be done and we can yield a value
  • More if there is a recursive function call to be made

Here’s an example of a simple program that has 2 suspended computations and yields value 42

More(() => More(() => Done(42)))

Of course we won’t create it manually, our recursive functions will:

So now when we call even(0 to 1000000) we get a value with type More[Boolean] containing a function to compute odd for a list length 999999. To get the actual boolean value we need to traverse to the bottom of all nested Mores to finally reach Done. Let’s write a function for that:

Done case is straightforward, More case has to first execute our suspended function to get either More[A] or Done[A] and recursively call run on that. This kind if recursion is safe and will be optimized by the compiler.

One small refactoring that looks unnecessary but it will be useful a bit later — separate executing a single step from executing all steps:

And also for convenience we can embed these functions into Trampoline trait:

There you go, stack safe computations ftw.

Still having stack overflows…

Let’s say you have a State monad implemented like this:

And a silly usage example:

Looks innocent but what we don’t see is many flatMap calls chained together consuming all stack memory during execution.


Different use case but the same problem: flatMap is not self-recursive tail call. Can we make it one? Let’s take flatMap implementation, do the same mechanical transformation (as we did for even and odd example) by changing return type to be Done or More:

runS has to be executed one the state s before returning More meaning that our trampolining trick would not work.

Approach #2

Instead of trying to fix flatMap's implementation we can just suspend the whole flatMap operation on the State and defer the binding until our run and resume functions will be called.

FlatMap is basically a signature of flatMap stored in a data structure.

After that State's map and flatMap would look like this:

This trick allowed us to change nested flatMap(flatMap(flatMap... calls to a data structure FlatMap(FlatMap(FlatMap(... trading stack for heap.

Now we should be able to compose our “trampolined” States and safely use “for” comprehensions as in zipIndex example. One thing left is to add newly added FlatMap case to our tail recursive interpreter function:

So the FlatMap having sub (sub expression) and cont (continuation function) is about matching on the sub:

  • Done(v) means sub is the last in the chain of FlatMaps and we just have to thread v through cont and call resume
  • More(k) (where k is a suspended function) means we can make a step by calling k, making the resulting trampoline a sub expression of a new FlatMap with the same continuation
  • On FlatMap(sub2, cont2) we will create a FlatMap with the next sub2 expression. Its continuation will create another FlatMap with evaluated inner cont2 (this is where the brain starts hurting)

Also, we must cast explicitly to Trampoline[A] for the compiler to be able to figure out that this is in fact a tail-recursive self-call.

Still having stack overflows…

Even with our improvements it is possible to blow a stack in cases when FlatMap nesting is too deep: evaluating a sub to make a step can cause another sub to be evaluated and so on. So let’s not directly create deeply nested FlatMaps (like in State's flatMap) but use a helper function that will do the following:

Yes, this turns out to be Trampoline's flatMap. If its called on either Done or More we will just wrap it in a FlatMap. If its called on the FlatMap then we will reassociate the bind to the right.

With this change in place let’s refactor States flatMap to use Trampolines flatMap:

Also, our interpreter function can also create deeply nested FlatMaps so we need to use Trampolines flatMap as well:

Putting it all together

We started with data structures Done and More to represent program description and used self-recursive interpreter function to avoid stack overflows. It was suitable for simple use cases but was insufficient for more complex cases, like nested monadic flatMaps. We represented a flapMap operation in a FlatMap data structure but faced the same problem: evaluation of deeply nested FlatMaps can still cause stack overflows. We solved that by delegating the creation of FlatMap to a Trampoline’s flatMap.

This article is based on Rúnar Bjarnason’s paper “Stackless Scala With Free Monads” that I definitely recommend checking out for more detailed explanation and see how Free monad is actually a generalization of a Trampoline monad.

