How Noticing Good Things Can Change Your Life

Olya Kornienko
4 min readJan 19, 2024


It happened a couple of years ago, just after Christmas. We were on the Gold Coast. The weather was perfect, and the water was divine.

I was chatting with a friend about her resolutions for the New Year. She said: Notice good things. I didn’t understand at first. She repeated: Yes, I want to notice good things.

I thought it was cool. We often complain about what’s wrong in our lives and forget to notice and acknowledge good things.

Do you know that people are more likely to send a complaint than a compliment?

By noticing good things, we bring attention to what’s working, what we enjoy, and what we like. As a result, we get more of these good things. It’s proven already.

Besides, we also feel better when we acknowledge good things rather than when we complain, don’t you agree? It’s draining to complain and talk about bad things. We’re spiralling down when we focus on what’s not good in our lives.

Do I never complain? Of course not. But I want to change that. I want to complain less and notice more of the good things that happen.

Something that I started doing after I went through the Time Genius program with Marie Forleo was counting my wins every day.

This is how you count your wins:

You list at least three wins for the day. You can add more wins as Bonus Wins for the day. The wins can be anything: you went for a walk — a win. You sent invoices to the clients — a win. You wrote for 20 minutes — win again. Even noticing a beautiful flower on your way home can be a win.

This helps you focus on good things. This way, you acknowledge what you’ve done for the day and what brought you closer to your goals. It also helps you become more confident in what you do and feel better.

Noticing good things is the first thing we can do to change our mood.

Noticing good things is the first thing we can do to change our mood. When we’re upset, finding anything good around us is hard. But you can start with something small. You’re breathing, right? That’s good. Maybe you can get yourself a cup of tea and enjoy that.

Give your friend a call and ask how they’re. Don’t complain about what’s happening with you — ask how they are. Asking people who you care about how they feel is something that will help you to feel good.

Give a hug to your kid or your pet.

If nothing helps and you feel like throwing a tantrum. Do that. Give yourself time and get it all out. Scream into a pillow, tear some paper. I would avoid breaking something as you’ll need to clean up.

Then breathe again. Go for a walk. Drag yourself for one, if you have to. Look around and start noticing things. It doesn’t matter what they’re: green grass (or first snow), a bird that you haven’t seen before, a roof painted in a nice colour and so on. It will change your mood.

Changing your posture is another way to change your mood and move you into a more positive mood.

If you’re up for a challenge, join the “100 happy days” project. People report miracles. During my “100 happy days”, I realised I wanted to write, participated in filming web series, met great people and got a job in the TV series production office.

Noticing good things will bring you up and change your day. And as a result, your life. Try it.

Take good care of yourself,


“One of the hardest things in life to learn is which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn.”

~ Oprah

If you want to add more joy and creativity to your day, download the first chapter of A Tiny Book of Joy.



Olya Kornienko

Author of “A Tiny Book of Joy”. I write about creativity, joy and work-life balance. Big fan of yoga, Pilates and everything that makes my life easier.