Today we will be looking at the one of the most popular regression models called Decision Tree.

#100DaysOfMLCode #100ProjectsInML

Predict Salary — source

I will be solving the same problem about predicting salary of a new employee based on his position level.

I have solved the same problem in project 3 using Polynomial Regression — You can check it out here.

And the same problem has been solved in project 4 using Support Vector Regression — You can check that project here.

Let’s understand Decision Trees.

Decision tree regression model is Non Linear and a Non continuous model.

Below is a scatter plot which represents our dataset. It has 2 independent variables X1 and X2 and what we are trying to predict is a 3rd dependent variable y.

image source: A-Z Machine Learning Udemy

Now once we run the decision tree algorithm, the scatter plot will be split up into segments. Each one of these splits is called a leaf. The way the splits are made is based on the principle of information entropy. It is a mathematical concept and is quite complex. If…



Omair Aasim
Analytics Vidhya

Passionate about building products — An advocate of AI, a software engineer by profession — an entrepreneur at heart and a sports enthusiast.