I designed this pen to make my life easier (it doesn’t exist yet)

one size fits all?

Omar El-Itani
3 min readOct 20, 2023
Fineliner”One Size Fits All” Designed by myself. Drawn in Figma

I’ve used fineliners for quite sometime and still use them today. I love fineliners cause of the feel of it like when I write something or make a rough sketch it just feels good.

The fineliners I’ve used.

These fineliners sizes ranges from 0.05 to 1.0. Well at least in this set.And that range is fairly enough personally speaking.

What makes these pens a hassle to use though?

an example how my workspace would look

might just end this article here with this picture.

Yes the table gets quite messy and it is a hassle sometimes looking through the pile of pens for the size I want to use.

My time is precious and I don’t want to be in a situation where I’m saying:

oh no where is my 0.03 pen, oh here it is (it was 0.3)

“Is that it? so lazy”

okay yes maybe it is “lazy” but honestly why should I reduce my work efficiency.

The solution?

Rough mockup made in figma

One Size Fits All

The concept behind this is to minimise the usage of multiple pens and instead, have a single pen that can change its tip size and the colour you want to use.

designing the pen

In my mind I pictured the pen would look a lot more like a typical spring pen.

However, as I kept drawing, I tried using the tip design from fineliners. I don’t want this article to get boring so below is the breakdown.

pen features

So is it really a One Size Fits All?

You may have noticed I showed only 2 colours: Green and Red.

Well 3 including the darker shades of green and red


Take a look at this picture below.

Image taken from google

There is no excuse to keep silent on the issue of the Palestinians.

Do not be afraid to voice out. The zionists are bombing and killing ruthlessly, mercilessly.

Figure out a way to spread the message that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and that their land is theirs. Not some “one size fits all”.

Stand up for or brothers and sisters in Palestine and we pray ALLAH almighty will destroy all the opressors around the world ameen.

Palestine is one of the Holy Lands and we do not tolerate zionism and racism.

Thousands are being killed and the media wants to make Palestine look like the bad guys.

A hospital just got bombed and STILL the media wants to cover up the crimes of israel.

Do not sit around and do nothing like cowards. Find a way to help the palestinians according to your capacity.

In shaa ALLAH Palestine will be free again ameen.

We say and write the truth no matter what.

If you read this far jazakALLAHkhair and thank you. Make sure to do what you can to help the Palestians. Never stay silent towards oppression.

I believe I used my real name here on Medium. I’m junior freelance UI/UX designer.

