My Journey with ShopDiz: Creating an E-commerce Revolution

Omar Elshaer
2 min readSep 13, 2023


ShopDiz e-commerce
ShopDiz e-commerce


Welcome to the world of ShopDiz! In this post, I will take you through our e-commerce project, sharing the vision, team, challenges, and achievements.

Project Overview:

At ShopDiz, we aimed to create a user-friendly e-commerce platform that caters to a wide audience. Our dedicated team consisted of “omar khaled” and myself “omar elshaer” distributed the tasks between us so that I was responsible for the backend and my mate was responsible for enhancing user experience, while we both worked on the technical aspects ourselves, ensuring a seamless web and mobile interface.

The Personal Connection:

For me, this project was more than just coding. Growing up in a small town, my goal was always to do some big thing and the e-commerce business was my gateway to exploration. It taught me the value of efficient routes. This personal experience fueled my determination to make shopping equally accessible and enjoyable for everyone.


Our project's architecture is designed for efficiency, ensuring smooth data flow. Technologies like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript were chosen to prioritize a robust front end. We opted for these technologies to deepen our understanding of JavaScript, providing a solid foundation for our project.

We achieved significant milestones:

  1. customizable admin login page.
  2. innovative user interface.
  3. form and mailing service.
  4. successful pairing with e-commerce providers.

The Toughest Challenge:

Our most daunting challenge was implementing signup OAuth. The situation was critical with few hours left. I reached out to peers and online tutorials, but unfortunately, we couldn’t do it because of time so we scheduled it for another time to spend more time on tutorials so we could do it properly. and I think With just a few hours to spare, we will conquer this challenge.

What I’ve Learned:

This project has been a rich learning experience. I gained technical insights. It reinforced my belief that even complex challenges can be overcome with determination and the right resources. i learned new languages too, javascript & PHP for example. i gained experience in database linking with projects. evolved with email marketing management too. and many other benefits.

About Me:

I’m a passionate software engineer, eager to be excellent in problem-solving. Challenges and successes have marked my journey, and I’m excited to continue my path in the tech world.

