SkyWatch Weathers

Nathan Orobor
4 min readJun 14, 2023


SkyWatch: Your Ultimate Weather App for Nigeria

Authors: Teslim Okunola, Nathan Orobor, Oluwaseun Adesiyan
Roles and Timeline: Teslim Okunola (Frontend Developer), Nathan Orobo (Backend Developer), Oluwaseun Adesiyan (UX Designer); Project Duration: March 2022 — June 2022


Welcome to SkyWatch, your ultimate weather app designed specifically for Nigeria. Our goal is to provide accurate and up-to-date weather information to help you plan your activities, make informed decisions, and stay prepared for any weather conditions. With SkyWatch, you can easily access detailed forecasts, real-time weather updates, and intuitive features tailored to the Nigerian climate.

Story Behind the Project

For Nathan Orobo, the motivation behind creating SkyWatch stems from his personal experience growing up in a region prone to unpredictable weather patterns. Living in a coastal area like Ajah Lagos Island, he witnessed firsthand the impact of weather conditions on people’s daily lives. Nathan’s fascination with meteorology and his desire to help others stay informed about the weather inspired him to embark on this project. By combining his technical expertise with his passion for weather forecasting, Nathan teamed up with Teslim Okunola and Oluwaseun Adesiyan to bring SkyWatch to life.

Oluwaseun’s story is about how weather changes can help in security forces in fighting the war against insecurity in Nigeria especially in the remote locations and the forests where these little details can help the military in the clamp down and in hostage situations with effective planning.


In the course of our project, we have achieved significant milestones. Here is a summary of our accomplishments:

Architecture Overview:

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: We chose to build the frontend using modern web technologies such as, HTML5, and CSS3 and Javascript. This decision allowed us to create a responsive and user-friendly interface that works seamlessly across various devices.
  • Backend:This is still in view as we’ve not concluded the project but we are looking at using MongoDB.
  • Data and APIs: We leveraged weather data APIs, such as OpenWeatherMap, to fetch accurate and real-time weather information for different locations in Nigeria. This data was then processed and presented to users in a visually appealing manner.

Key Features Implemented:

  1. Real-time Weather Updates: SkyWatch provides users with real-time weather updates for their selected locations, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation forecasts.
  2. Location-based Forecasting: Users can search for specific cities or towns in Nigeria to access detailed weather forecasts tailored to their desired locations.
  3. Weather Alerts: SkyWatch sends notifications and alerts to users for severe weather conditions, ensuring they stay informed and prepared.

Most Challenging Technical Problem

One of the most challenging technical hurdles we encountered during the development of SkyWatch was implementing geolocation functionality. Our objective was to provide users with weather information based on their current location automatically.

We needed to retrieve the user’s location coordinates and fetch weather data accordingly. Afterwards we had to implement geolocation functionality to determine the user’s current location.

We explored various methods and libraries, such as the Geolocation API and third-party geocoding services. After thorough research and testing, we decided to integrate the Geolocation API provided by the browser.

With the Geolocation API successfully implemented, SkyWatch can now accurately determine the user’s location and provide personalized weather forecasts. This feature enhances the user experience by eliminating the need for manual location input.

Lessons Learned

Throughout our journey, we gained valuable insights and lessons that will shape our future endeavors as engineers:

  1. Collaboration and Teamwork: Working together as a team taught us the importance of effective communication, coordination, and mutual support. We discovered that combining our individual strengths and skills produced the best results.
  2. User-Centric Design: Focusing on the end-user was a key aspect of our project. By prioritizing usability, accessibility, and user feedback, we were able to create a weather app that meets the specific needs of the Nigerian audience.
  3. Continuous Learning: Developing SkyWatch challenged us to explore new technologies, weather APIs, and improve our problem-solving abilities. Embracing a growth mindset and constantly seeking knowledge enabled us to overcome obstacles and enhance our technical skills.

This project has reaffirmed our passion for engineering and has set the stage for our future pursuits. We are excited to continue creating innovative solutions that positively impact people’s lives.

About the Authors

Teslim Okunola: Frontend Developer with a passion for creating intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces. GitHub:MufasaNG GITHUB | LinkedIn: Teslim Okunola Linkedin page

Nathan Orobor: Backend Developer with a keen interest in leveraging technology to solve real-world challenges. GitHub: | LinkedIn:

Oluwaseun Adesiyan: UX Designer passionate about crafting delightful and user-centered experiences. GitHub: | LinkedIn:

Humility is having the courage to admit your weakness without feeling inferior and the boldness to acknowledge your strengths without feeling superior.

Project Resources:

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey with SkyWatch. Stay prepared and stay informed with the most accurate weather information for Nigeria!

