Understanding Our Mind

Om Mishra
8 min readJun 26, 2018

Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health. ~Dalai Lama

Mind is the storehouse of inner peace.

Mind, whenever we think of it, various things come to us, it differs from person-to-person, time-to-time and place-to-place. Some may believe it is in our brain and think it helps in judgement. Some may believe it is in our heart as they believe that we take decision in brain but we follow our heart. Some think it is located hypothetically somewhere else like a dream as we all have heard poeple often say “Physically I was here but Mentally I was somewhere else”. This we have heard back since our school days and till now. Thus we need to understand what this mind is all about and where is it located, how to control it and how can we improve it’s capability.

Location of Mind(Soul)

Mind is a place which is located in the center of the forehead between the eye brows. This is also called the “Site of Soul”. This is the place where we have the peneal gland (also known as “Third Eye”) located which is 2.5 inches from front and 3 inches from top of our head. This is above the pituitary gland which is also known as the Master gland of the body. The place is surrounded by three most important glands namely: Hypothalamous(which helps in controlling the nervous system to endocrine system via the pituary gland), Thalamous (which translates neural impulses from various receptors to the cerebral cortex, where they are experienced as the appropriate sensations of touch, pain, or temperature, during the waking state, and it regulates synaptic transmissions (i.e., incoming impulses) during resting states) and Pituitary Gland(which directs the action from the other gland to different receptors and effectors of the body).

This is the location where our soul controls our mind. Our mind is full of vibrations (or electrical impulses) from four major sectors — our past which let’s us now the things we have done and how to progress, our family which makes us relatable to our body conditioning shape, our society which influences our thoughts and relate things in present world and at last our actions which results in desired or undesired results. All this things influence our mind through our soul from time-to-time.

The Soul is the driver of the Body. Our body is controlled by our brain and just like a driver in a vehicle is loacted at a site to control the vehicle where all the instruments or operators are present, similarly our soul is located in brain and controls everything through the vibrations of mind. Thus we see that we are the soul in our body and we control our lives through our mind. We all have past, some kind of family background, we see the society at large and commit to some actions.

It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to. Has power over you. If you allow it. ~Anonymous

Now many a times it happens that we find our mind is not under the influenece of our soul and we are not able to understand how to control it. This happens with each one of us and we get confused. Okay, so here is a task for you, pick up an object (say a pen) move it from one point (say P0) to point another point (say P1) as slow as 100 seconds it should take you to do so.

Pictorial Representation of the task.

Therefore, what do you see, you did the task of moving the object (in this case a pen) from one position to another without any other thought. Thus this represents our mind remains more focused when it is at the present state rather than some other situation like thinking of future or past. Our mind will always try to come to an equilibrium state, that is, the present moment if it is having an unpleasent time. For an instance, think of a day when your day went bad or you are very bored of life, you will find your mind giving you flashbacks of those moments where you were either very happy and excited or the day something new happened. Now think why does the mind travels back to represent to you those moments of success or happiness. This is because in THAT TIME, the mind was in the “present moment”, thus it tries to strive that equilibrium by thinking about them.

Focus Like a Horse

The mind is like a horse which runs in all directions if we don’t provide it with the blinders. Here you might misinterpret providing is narrowing more vision, no that’s not the case, here blinders will we used to increasing our concentration on one thing at a time. Most of us have a misconception that Multitasking means doing more task at a same time, it might be true for machines like computer, mobile, alarm clock etc; but in case of humans the mechanism is quite different. In terms of multitasking, humans are also well-equipped but they should perform one task at time for short duartion of time. For an example if you are doing two work at a time like talking to someone on phone and walking. Then in that case, stop complete your conversation and then walk. This is a great cause for accident now a days. Divide your work into small task and try to give your 100% to each segment in order to increase your effiency and so called the “Multi-Tasker” attitude to get maximum benefit. This also gives us a sense of achievement and boost our self-confidence to do more. Thus mind can multitask but focus should be on one task at a time and we also understand that the mind loves to enjoy and remain the present moment.

Control your own mind, and you may never be controlled by the mind of another. ~Napolean Hill

Practice makes you less imperfect!!

We understood by now where our mind is (in brain), who controls it (the Soul) and what it wants (to live in the present moment) and how we control the multitasking nature of mind (dividing the task into short durations or segments and trying to accomplish it in that duration). Now we need to understand the way to control our mind for more results and better performance irrespective of whatever situation you are in.

In life, it is not that we face situations and we are the only one in that problem or in that opportunity. We have also seen that when we find someone stuck in a situation and that person is close to us irrespective of if we have seen his/her way of life, we try to advice them. Now, when the same situation occurs to us we just became tensed. So, here lies the solution, we have to tell our mind that the problem is not ours but it’s our friend’s and then we become an audience to the problems and we better understand the situations and the ways to face them. Then we should jot down the points that comes to our mind to tackle the situation and thus we can help ourselves with it.

Be Fearless, there is always a solution behind every problem, you just need to direct your mind in an optimistic way. ~Anonymous

Solution to any problem can be found only by a calm mind. In order to control the mind and prevent it from tension, anxiety and depression, we have bring out and grow our inner peace. Mind is the storehouse of peace. Human by nature has a peaceful character, it is only our conditioning of our mind with time that we let emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, fear, illusions and ego lead our way of life. These emotions are temporary and often get vanish as soon as we get rid of the situation.

Calm Your Mind :)

Mind can be controlled by being internally peaceful. The inner peace can be achieved by drawing our attention to one thing for a long time. This is because our mind works not on the principle of thought replacement but on the principle of thought deviation. Therefore we find many poeple drink or eat in order to get rid of the thoughts related to their life, career or family. Here they do the mistake, they instead of understanding as an audience, they try become an escapist from there problems and they get more entangled. Therefore, the best way to calm down mind is to do physical workout or meditate or do something new or do something creative. These will help in occupying your mind in a structured and contructive way and will help you analysis yourself. Suppose you went for a jogging and you run, you will find your mind may be worrying but the running has it’s own living in the moment effect and it will replace your thought for the time being. This way we shall not only get a chance to give a break to mind but make also ourselves more creative and enhance our capability to think. The thought breaking effect helps us to approach the old problems with new paths with a calm mind and this paves our way to good feedbacks.

Thus if your mind is stuck in problem, you know what to do, stay calm and be an audience to the problem or take a break by exercise, meditation, do something creative or do something productive in order to calm yourself down.

This is my first article, I hope I could help you. In my next article, I shall give some life lessons so stay tuned. Stay Happy. Keep Calm. Be An Audience to your problems. Remember behind Every Problem There is Opportunity which only a Calm Mind can see!!

Thank You For Your Patience In Reading My Story!!

