Mindful Meditation: Self-Soothe Using Your Senses

Omaya Bader
3 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo Credits: Unsplash (Zoe)

This article was written for Aware MENA.

Self-soothing is a mindfulness skill used to manage overwhelming emotion. It’s the skill of committing to treating ourselves with kindness and compassion when we are in the midst of struggle. Self-soothing techniques help you stay calm and relaxed when you are feeling overwhelmed both physically and emotionally. They help you to “regulate” so that you can feel like yourself again. This can be anything from smelling a candle to treating yourself at a spa — the trick is to stay mindful while doing it! Keep reading to find all the self-soothe techniques you need to stay calm and grounded using your senses.


Have you ever looked at something and thought ‘that’s so satisfying!’ — in the day and age of the Internet and social media, we all have. Self-soothe through vision is often a great technique used to feel calm and collected. Seeing something that pleases the eye can relax the mind and body and work as a great way to take a break from your stressful daily tasks.


You can self-soothe with your hearing too! Whether you have a favorite song, are able to relax to the sounds of nature, or you’re an ASMR fan — self-soothe through hearing might be for you! Sit back, relax, and focus on your hearing senses while you listen to something that puts you at ease for a perfectly mindful self-soothe exercise.


Your sense of smell is a great sensation to use for self-soothing! Good smells release endorphins in the brain leading your mood to brighten up, become happier, and more relaxed. Smells even have the ability to bring back a positive memory. Do you remember what perfume you were wearing on that perfect evening out with your friends? Spray some on and let it sit for some self-soothe with a loving memory.


Yes, comfort food is okay and a great form of self-soothe! Chocolates and sweets also release happy hormones and can lift your mood. Not only that but who doesn’t love a good treat every once in a while? It is important to remember to be a little laid back sometimes no matter what aspect of life you experience stress in and comfort food is a great way to self-soothe and reward yourself just because you can!


Self-soothe has a lot to do with comfort. What makes you comfortable? If you’re staying at home, throw on a comfy pair of p-jays — it’s okay not to get dressed up sometimes. Give your pet some love, hug a sibling, partner, parent, or child, tough a soft blanket. Yes, these are all ways you can practice self-soothe through touch. They’re simple methods but have a great effect on your mood!

Try these self-soothe methods to ease your mind and start your day — but, remember, the key to self-soothe is to do it because you should, not to reward yourself for doing another task. Self-care is just as much of a priority as anything else.



Omaya Bader

Palestinian-American writer and journalist based in Dubai, UAE.