Is it worth investing in IT bootcamps?

Ömer Yetimoğlu
2 min readJan 11, 2023

As technology continues to evolve, the demand for tech-savvy employees is rising. IT BootCamp companies are an excellent way for investors to capitalize on this trend and reap the rewards from their investments.

IT bootcamps provide intensive training sessions that teach individuals how to code and design software applications within a short period. These programs typically last from three months to one year, depending on the program’s scope and intensity. By investing in these types of businesses, investors can benefit from having access to highly skilled professionals who have been trained through rigorous instruction in a relatively short timeframe — something which may not be possible with traditional educational institutions or even corporate training courses due to the longer timelines required for completion.

Additionally, since most IT bootcamps offer remote learning options and flexible schedules, they can easily reach students worldwide without geographical limitations. It is opening up potential growth opportunities globally while allowing them access to untapped markets like rural areas where limited resources may be available when acquiring talent locally.

Fortunately, several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of these programs and provided insight into whether they are indeed beneficial for investors. A recent survey conducted by Course Report found that 79% of graduates from full-time coding bootcamps reported being employed within six months after completing their program, with an average salary increase of 56% or $25,000. Additionally, employers report high satisfaction with graduates from coding camps — over 80% said they would hire another graduate from one again!

The data also shows that students who attend these programs tend to be highly motivated individuals who want more than just a degree; instead, they seek skills-based knowledge to help them land jobs quickly upon completion. This makes sense, given how competitive the job market has become and how vital technical skills have become for someone to stand out amongst other applicants vying for open positions.

Furthermore, many companies now offer tuition reimbursement benefits which allow employees enrolled at certain coding schools or universities to receive up to $10k per year towards tuition costs — this could make investments even more lucrative since some employees may never need repayment due to employer assistance!

Finally, IT bootcamps usually require minimal overhead costs compared to other business models. Making it easier & less costly for new startups or existing ones looking to scale operations quickly without much risk involved, thereby providing attractive ROI prospects that many value-conscious investors might find appealing!

