Nested/Inner Classes in Java

3 min readNov 23, 2022


Photo by vamsi sannala on Unsplash

It is possible to create more than one class in the same .java file, the only rule is there can be only one top-level public class (the name of this class should match with file name).

Nested Classes are categorized mainly into two groups Static and Non-Static.

  • Static Nested Classes
  • Non-Static Nested Classes (Inner Classes)
    - Local Inner Classes (Local Classes shortly)
    - Anonymous Classes
    - Other Inner Classes

There are some notes before some sample codes.

  • Nested Classes are generally declared private or package level (no identifier).
    - It is declared as public in order to create an instance at the main method.
  • It is not widely used but if it is required, it is possible to create an instance of Inner Class, relevant syntax can be seen in the Application Class sample code below.
    - Creating an instance of Outer Class does not mean creating an instance of Inner Class, too. It should be created explicitly somewhere.
    - Enclosing/Outer Class should be initiated before initiating an Inner Class.
  • Nested Classes can access class/instance/local variables.
    - Static Nested Classes can access class variables.
    - Local Inner and Anonymous Classes can access class/instance/local variables.
    - The rest of the Inner Classes can access class/instance variables.

Let’s see some sample codes.

Class A

public class A {
private String str;
private static int num = 10;

public static class NestedClass {
public void funcNestedClass() {
System.out.println("***funcNestedClass has been called.");
System.out.println(" num(class variable): " + num + ")");

public class InnerClass {
public void funcInnerClass() {
System.out.println("***funcInnerClass has been called.");
System.out.println(" num(class variable): " + num + ")");
System.out.println(" str(instance variable): " + str + ")");

A(String str) {
this.str = str;

public void functionA() {
System.out.println("***functionA has been called.");
System.out.println(" str(instance variable): " + str + ")");

int number = 50;


class LocalInnerClass {
public void funcLocalInnerClass() {
System.out.println("***funcLocalInnerClass has been called");
System.out.println(" num(class variable): " + num + ")");
System.out.println(" str (instance variable): " + str);
System.out.println(" number (local variable): " + number);

LocalInnerClass localIC = new LocalInnerClass();

Application Class

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {
A a = new A("Test Text");


// Non-Static Nested Class (Inner Class)
A.InnerClass innerClass = InnerClass();


// Static Nested Class
A.NestedClass nestedClass= new A.NestedClass();
// It is not possible to use as below.

***functionA has been called.
str(instance variable): Test Text)
***funcLocalInnerClass has been called
num(class variable): 10)
str (instance variable): Test Text
number (local variable): 50
***funcInnerClass has been called.
num(class variable): 10)
str(instance variable): Test Text)
***funcNestedClass has been called.
num(class variable): 10)

In summary, defining classes inside other classes provides logical grouping classes and more readable/maintainable code by increasing encapsulation.

How this can increase encapsulation?

For instance, let’s think about two classes A and B. If we define B inside A, B will be hidden from the outside world. B can still access private members of A.

Please also check my other articles, here.

Thanks for reading.




Senior Software Engineer, sharing my knowledge and what i learn.