Poolside Chat — Jager_Master

Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2020

Our second poolside chat session is with the infamous Jager_Master. He has a reddit karma of >33K thanks to all his OMG contributions. As soon as the first beta of the iOS and Android client app was released for the ODP last week, he was the first to make a transaction on the OMG Network! Now comes the brilliance of it: the transaction was instantaneous!

Poolside chat with Jager_Master

First of all, we see you’re checking the OMG Network on Github a lot. Are you a developer?

I’m not a developer (yet) but I am very much interested in software development and technology in general, and like to keep a keen eye on my favorite project ;-). I am currently an EPOS engineer, designing and implementing POS systems for the hospitality industry. I was born and bread in Manchester and still call it home.

You say you’re not a developer, but you were the first to test the APP released in the Developer Program last week…

Congratulations for that ;-) What got you interested in crypto?

Well I first heard about Bitcoin in 2013, and being a university student I had better things on my mind than delving into the cryptic language of mining and hash functions- mainly drinking too much of my namesake. Fast forward to 2017 and I started hearing- and reading- about Ethereum, and I’ve never escaped the rabbit hole since.

How did you feel about OMG’s recent milestone, the public mainnet?

There’s only one word for it — excite!

What are you still missing in mainnet and are you hoping to see soon(TM)?

I’m really looking forward to hearing more about the Proof of Guarantee consensus mechanism, after all, staking rewards are the end goal for me. Further down the line, I’m interested to see the work being done around the O-engine and how a mix of centralized off-chain order matching will complement on-chain settlement — barring no changes to the design.

Have you ever tried to explain the OMG Network to friends or family?

It would be much easier to name the people whom I haven’t tried to explain OMG to… because that list is empty, nobody has escaped my enthusiasm for OMG :joy: I have a few friends and family members that have actually invested off the back of what I’ve said, some of their timing wasn’t too favorable and they make sure to remind me of their portfolio demise; only jesting of course, they are still interested in hearing the progress.

How did the whole experience with OMG impact your life the last 3 years? Can you describe this experience?

If you were to plot my emotions on a graph, you would likely recreate the standard market psychology cycle down to a tee. The experience has definitely been beneficial- teaching me to be a good patient, giving me a very in depth understanding of software development cycles and the architecture of layer 2 scaling solutions- but I would be lying if I didn’t mention the 5 years it’s likely taken from my life expectancy :joy:

You can choose one exotic feature to be implemented in the network, no matter the cost. What would it be?

It’s by no means exotic, but fiat on-ramps are key to long term adoption in my view; tying the crypto and fiat world together is key in bridging the gap with traditional finance and increasing adoption.

You’re obliged to lock your tokens and can never touch them anymore, but you can pick now one specific date on which they will be sold for you. After today, you can never ever change that date anymore. Which date would you pick? Soon(TM) is not a valid answer.

There are probably going to be lots of staking pools in the future. What would you recommend to OMGpool to make them stand out above the rest?

I think OMGpool will continue to stand out due to the nature of its founders, it’s community driven and community focused initiatives like these poolside chats are brilliant at engaging the community and fostering loyalty. So I would say it’s well on the way to success.

Kill your darlings. You can only have one favorite OMG meme. Which one is it?

Bonus. Anything you want to share with the community about yourself. OMG or not OMG related.

Buckets are on Jager_Master at the Thai Full Moon beach party

I’m not sure when it will be, but when OMG potential is fulfilled and we’re at the Thai Full Moon beach party, buckets are on me lads. We will make it.

Duly noted. You can now nominate a community rock star for the next poolside chat. Who will it be?

The OMG meme-master himself, the /biz/ beast, our main man barrygibb.

OMGpool (omgpool.org) is building the first open-source, community-driven staking pool for the OMG Network.

Be sure to check out our staking rewards calculator on our website omgpool.org.

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OMGPool is the largest community-driven staking pool for the OmiseGo (OMG) financial network.