Yearn x Polygon Vaults V3 Bounties

2 min readDec 1, 2023

Compete to build the next great Yearn strategy. The Hackathon starts December 5th at 16:00 UTC with a top bounty of 10,000 $MATIC and ends December 19th.

Well, partner, reckon it ain’t too long ago when 2020 felt like the wild dust storms of yesterday, yet here we are, nearly hitching our wagons to 2024.

This is our 3rd version of the vaults you know and love. Over $6 billion dollars have called these vaults home. Vaults V3 is a true testament to the heart and soul of Yearn in our mission to be the framework for anyone who needs vault technology in crypto.

One of the main goals of V3 is to develop an ecosystem of new and exciting vaults and strategies built and managed not only by us, but anyone in crypto. With that dust-kicking spirit we‘re excited to announce the first ever Yearn Hackathon! This hackathon is to give anyone and everyone an opportunity to learn about our new system and build your very own V3 strategy. If you ever dreamt of donning the hat of a Yearn strategist now is your chance! Come compete against fellow devs for a grand prize worth up to 10k $MATIC, and potentially building the next great Yearn strategy.

We kick off live December 5th at 16:00 UTC in the Yearn x Polygon V3 Hackathon Telegram channel:

Daily Office Hours are available in Telegram where you’ll hear great advice from Yearn devs, like don’t squat with your spurs on.

On December 19th, the winners will be voted on by Yearn devs.

Hackathon Bounties:

Big Win — 10,000 $MATIC

Silver Spurs — 7,000 $MATIC

Bronze Buckaroo — 5,000 $MATIC

Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway! (Honorable mentions will be rewarded)

This is a Polygon PoS focused hackathon. Only Polygon PoS vaults and strategies are eligible for prizes. If you’re not on Polygon today you’re welcome to participate in hacking, but you won’t be eligible for prizes until you deploy in Polygon PoS.

Creative and design people, we haven’t forgotten about you. There’s more on the way, stay tuned. But for now, let the hackin’ begin!

