Making Image Slider with QML

2 min readJul 28, 2018


Well today I’m going to show you how to make an Image Slider in QML step by step , And you will see how easy it is .

I will assume that you already Install and run basic QML Projects but nothing more .

What we are going to build is something like this :

The first thing we want is a swipeview so we can swipe image left and right, making swipe view in QML is pretty easy :

clip:true//setting it make item outside of view invisible
property var model : ListModel{}//make empty model
Repeater {
width: slider.width
height: slider.height
source:image //we use this name in ListModel
fillMode: Image.Stretch

The tricky part is to make a property name model for showing data, so we can fill the model from outside of slider .

And for Items inside of slider we use Repeater , Repeater is basically repeat components inside it (in this case Image ) base on the model you give it, so now we can have unlimited number of image side by side.

Making slider is finished :) and now it’s time to give it some data.

For this example we can use append function of ListModel :

Component.onCompleted: {
//just a bunch of random image from internet
//keep in mind the key name is "image" and should be same as what we use in Repeater
slider.model.append({image:""}) slider.model.append({image:""}) slider.model.append({image:""}) slider.model.append({image:""})}

Component.OnCompleted is a function whichs run after instantiating components, and it’s a great place to fill models with data.

Now Let’s add those page indicator on the bottom of the slider:

PageIndicator { slider.bottom //anchor to bottom of slider
x:(parent.width-width)/2 //make it horizontally center
currentIndex: slider.currentIndex //current item?
count: slider.count //how many items?

I’s pretty easy too , we use Qt’s PageIndicator component for it and give it two necessary parameter “currentIndex” and “count

That’s it , now we have a hand made cross platform Image Slider that you can use on android/ios/windows/… with just few lines of code.

The Complete code is :

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 400
height: 600
title: qsTr("Image Slider")
height: parent.height/1.7
width: height
x:(parent.width-width)/2//make item horizontally center
property var model :ListModel{}
Repeater {
width: slider.width
height: slider.height
fillMode: Image.Stretch
PageIndicator { slider.bottom
anchors.topMargin: verticalMargin
currentIndex: slider.currentIndex
count: slider.count
Component.onCompleted: {
slider.model.append({image:""}) slider.model.append({image:""}) slider.model.append({image:""})




I'm a programmer for more than 10 years, I'm obsessed with learning new language or technologies