What is extreme programming and how it makes your code better?

Omkar Birade
Published in
9 min readOct 20, 2020


Extreme programming has a huge influence on how software industries work today. TDD, pair programming, Code reviews have become the de facto standards as a part of XP.

Even after 30 years of its inception, extreme programming is still relevant and Martin Fowler calls extreme programming as a basis for agile practices.

Let us explore how and why…

In early programming days, software projects ran only on the best of the abilities of the people who wrote it. One small mistake and the code wreaks havoc.

Even without any mistakes, once the codebase gets large enough, it is difficult to maintain the existing code, let alone add any new features.

Without extreme programming

Programmers put their best efforts in making sure the code keeps working, meeting deadlines etc, while the customers/stake-holders probably wondered the programmers are being lazy and not delivering.

Enter Kent Beck…

A lot of these problems got easier to solve and the efforts to do so went down significantly.



Omkar Birade

Co-Founder at Interleap. I write to learn more.