“From Interior Design to Data Science: My Unconventional Journey”

Omkar Arade
3 min readNov 25, 2023


In the realm of life’s unexpected twists, my journey from being a Senior interior designer to diving headfirst into the world of data science is a tale worth sharing.

Designing Spaces: The Interior Design Chapter

After completing my diploma in interior design, I spent a fulfilling two years as a Senior Interior Designer at Sparch. Crafting spaces and creating aesthetically pleasing environments was not just a job; it was a passion.

Navigating the Storm: Job Loss During the Pandemic

However, the pandemic brought an unexpected storm, and I found myself without a job. Frustration clouded my thoughts, leaving me unsure of what the future held. It was a tough period, and I felt adrift without a clear path forward.

A Glimpse into Data Science: A Headline That Changed Everything

Then, one day, as I sat watching TV while my dad perused the newspaper, a headline caught my eye: “The Sexiest Job in the 20th Century — Data Science.” Curiosity sparked, and I embarked on a journey of research. In the midst of uncertainty, the allure of data science began to unfold before me.

A Paradigm Shift: The Revelation of Data Science

As I delved into the intricacies of data science, my perspective underwent a radical transformation. It was no longer just about design aesthetics; I started seeing everything through the lens of data. The mysterious codes, the magic of machine learning — it all fascinated me

Unveiling the Secrets: From Frustration to Curiosity

Frustration morphed into curiosity as I unraveled the secrets of this intriguing field. Understanding how the algorithms worked, decoding the language of code, and exploring the possibilities of machine learning became my new passion.

Riding the Data Wave: Embracing a New Calling

In the midst of uncertainty, I found a calling in data science. It wasn’t just a career shift; it was a rebirth of curiosity and a rediscovery of passion. The same fervor that fueled my creativity in interior design now propels me to decipher the beauty of data.

Skills Honed, Experience Gained: The Data Science Revelation

My journey into data science wasn’t just a theoretical exploration; it became a hands-on revelation. Through meticulous research, I uncovered the secrets of algorithms, delved into the language of code, and explored the vast possibilities presented by machine learning.

Experience, Awards, and Recognition: Crafting a New Narrative

In the world of data science, my journey has been enriched by practical experience and recognition. My proficiency in data analytics, machine learning, and coding languages like Python became the cornerstone of my skills. Along this path, I was honored with awards for innovative approaches, adding accolades to my evolving narrative.

Project Showcase: Merging Artistry with Analytics

My portfolio boasts a collection of projects that merge artistry with analytics. From predictive modeling to data visualization, each project is a testament to my ability to blend the creative intuition of design with the analytical rigor of data science.

Closing the Chapter, Opening a New One: Designing a Future in Data Science

As I transition from designing physical spaces to crafting digital narratives, the common thread remains the artistry of creation. Join me on this uncharted adventure, where the worlds of design and data science converge. In the end, it’s not just about the spaces we design; it’s about the stories we create, and data science has become the canvas for my next masterpiece.

However, the pandemic brought an unexpected storm, and I found myself without a job. Frustration clouded my thoughts, leaving me unsure of what the future held. It was a tough period, and I felt adrift without a clear path forward.



Omkar Arade

Proficient in machine learning and deep learning frameworks, Experienced in predictive modeling and storytelling, I stay updated on emerging technologies.