The Browser Rendering Process: A Journey from Request to Display

Omkar Bhavare
4 min readNov 24, 2023


Ever wondered what goes on when you type a website and hit enter? It’s like a super-fast train where your browser gets files from the server and, within seconds, turns them into the web pages you see. Let’s keep it simple and peek behind the scenes to see how our browser turns digital ingredients into eye-catching websites.

Let’s take a deep dive into the concept of parsing in web development.

In web development, parsing refers to the process of analyzing a piece of code (usually written in a programming language) to understand its structure and meaning. This is often done by a computer program called a parser.
Think of it like this: when you visit a website, your web browser receives a lot of information in the form of HTML code, CSS styles, JavaScript, and other data. To display the website correctly, the browser needs to parse this data, breaking it down into its individual components and understanding how they fit together.

1. Initiating the Request: Reaching Out to the Server

The journey begins with an HTTP request, sent from our browser to the server hosting the web page. This request acts as a message, asking for the specific data needed to display the page.

To Understand More about how Browser-Server Operates: Click on the Below Link

2. Parsing

Once the browser receives the data from the server, it parses it, breaking down the raw information into a structured format that it can understand. This involves identifying HTML tags, CSS, and JavaScript code.

3. The DOM Tree: Building a Structural Representation

HTML, defining the structure of a web page, is represented internally as a Document Object Model (DOM) tree. This hierarchical structure mirrors the nested arrangement of HTML tags, creating a tree-like representation of the page’s structure.

4. The CSSOM Tree: Adding Style and Appearance

CSS, the language that controls the appearance of a web page, is represented internally by the browser as a CSS Object Model (CSSOM) tree. This tree-like structure complements the DOM tree, providing information about the styling rules applied to each element in the DOM tree.

5. Merging DOM and CSSOM: Creating the Render Tree

Combining the DOM and CSSOM trees forms the render tree, a comprehensive representation of the page’s structure and styling. This render tree serves as the blueprint for the browser to paint the page onto the screen.

6. Layout Determination: Positioning and Dimensions

With the render tree in hand, the browser determines the layout of the page’s elements. This involves calculating the positioning and dimensions of each element, ensuring they are properly arranged within the viewport for a visually appealing page.

7. Painting: Bringing the Page to Life

The final step is painting, where the render tree’s nodes are transformed into pixels on the screen. This involves applying styling rules from the CSSOM tree to the corresponding elements in the DOM tree, resulting in the visual representation of the page.

8. JavaScript: Enhancing Interactivity

JavaScript adds an additional layer of interactivity and dynamism to web pages. It can access and manipulate the DOM tree, allowing for dynamic changes to content and behaviour. JavaScript enables features like user input handling, animations, and real-time data updates, making web pages more engaging and responsive.


  1. Are there different types of parsers, and do they impact the parsing process differently?
    → Yes, there are two main types of parsers: top-down parsers and bottom-up parsers. They differ in the way they analyze the input and construct the parse tree.
    Top-down parsers start with the start symbol of the grammar and work their way down the tree, matching input tokens.
    Bottom-up parsers start with the input tokens and construct a parse tree for an input string beginning at the leaves and working up towards the root.
  2. How does parsing handle errors in web development?
    → When errors occur, parsers typically generate error messages, helping developers identify and fix issues for proper code execution.
  3. How do browsers prioritize or handle the parsing of different types of resources, such as images, scripts, or stylesheets?
    → When loading a web page, browsers prioritize resources that are crucial for the initial rendering, such as CSS and HTML files. Less critical resources, like images and non-essential scripts, are loaded later to ensure a quick and interactive experience. Additionally, browsers use techniques like preloading, lazyloading and deferring to further optimize resource loading.

📚 Earlier Post:

👉 The Art of Lazy Loading
👉 Inner Workings of Browsers and Websites
👉 Bundling: Optimizing Web Performance

🔍 Coming up next:

👉 Virtual DOM
👉 Client Side Rendering
👉 The Trio Of Web Development

Stay tuned for more insights into the world of Web development! 🚀📦

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Omkar Bhavare

Passionate developer, blogger, and problem solver. Crafting code, sharing insights, and building innovative projects. 🚀