Omkar Palav
4 min readMay 24, 2020


The world beyond our planet has always fascinated many. Scientists are still trying to understand many unknown space mysteries, but still has a long way to go.

The most renowned theory would be the Big Bang. Many people would be thinking that the big bang was some kind of explosion to fill an empty universe. Instead space itself expands with time everywhere and increases the distance between two moving points. In other words Big Bang is not an explosion in space rather an expansion of space.

The universe is still expanding and it expanded rapidly after the first fraction of second after the big bang.

Space has opened many possibilities for mankind to explore. A great space mystery is that “ if u would travel through a black hole where do you go?” .

First we would learn that what is a Black hole. A Black hole is a region of spacetime where the gravity is so strong that even electromagnetic radiations such as light could not escape from it. Black holes are formed due to death of an enormous star. Imagine a star 5 times the size of sun is compacted to a size of New York city(the gravity there is maximum).

So imagine you were about to leap into a black hole. What could possibly await should — against all odds — you somehow survive. Where would you end up? or were you be able to come back ??

The simple answer to such question is simple “who knows?”. As professor Richard Massey has explained “Falling through event horizon is literally passing beyond the veil. Once someone falls pass it , nobody could ever send message back. They would be ripped to pieces by the enormous gravity, so i doubt anyone would be falling will get anywhere.” If this sounds a little disappointing and painful answer then is to be expected . But still the idea that you could maybe pop out somewhere seems utterly fantastical.


Or is it? Over the years scientist have looked into the possibility that Black holes could be wormholes to other galaxies. They may even be as some have suggested, a path to another universe. Such an idea has been floating around for some time: Einstein teamed up with Nathan Rosen to theorise bridges that connect two different points in space(some of you maybe know it as Einstein-Rosen bridge). The main problem is we cannot get up close to see for ourselves. Why we cant take picture of anything that happens inside a Black hole — if light cannot escape its immense gravity, then nothing can be snapped from camera.


Certainly if Black holes lead to another part of galaxy or another universe there would need something opposite to them on the other side. Could this be white hole — a theory put forward by Russian cosmologist Igor Novikov in 1964. Novikov proposed that a Black hole links to a white hole that exits in past. Unlike Black hole, a white hole will allow light and matter to leave, but light and matter would not be able to enter. It may a possibility that a Black hole may turn to white hole when they die. Yes that’s right this immensely powerful gravity can die. In the 1970’s professor Stephen Hawking explored the possibility that Black holes emit particles and radiation — thermal heat — as a result of quantum fluctuation. Hawking also stated that Black holes does not last forever. In 2013 study published by Physical Review Letters , Jorge Pullin applied quantum gravity to a black hole and found that gravity increased towards the core but reduced and plonked whatever was entering into another region of universe. The results gave extra credence to the idea that Black holes serving as portal.


Yet physicist Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Malrolf, Joseph Polchinski and James Scully still believed Hawking could have been on to something. They worked on a theory that became known as AMPS firewall, or Black hole firewall hypothesis.By their calculations, quantum mechanics could feasibly turn event horizon into a giant wall of fire and anything coming into contact would burn in an instant. In that sense, Black holes lead nowhere because nothing could ever get inside it.

First ever image of Black hole image captured in 2019.

These are just ideas that scientist have got throughout the years but still we cannot tell for sure where would a Black hole lead to. If only we could find a way to leap into it.

