Why should hire Indian freelancers?

Omkar Sagare
3 min readFeb 24, 2018


When it comes hiring the freelancers online, there is always a question of country preference. Well, I will recommend, always hire freelancers from India, it would not only help you to save your money but also get you the best quality product at low cost. In this article, I am gonna explain to you why to hire people from India and how? So let’s get started.

There are many ways to hire freelancers but I recommend hiring from the online marketplace.
Why? Because:

  • Bidding Option — Bidding feature can help you to get the exact cost of your project.
  • Enough Options — You will get more and more options
  • Lowest Cost — You can get the lowest quote for your posted requirements
  • Location Preference — You can hire people from selected regions

Now the question arises again,

Why should hire Indian freelancers?

1. Very cost effective

Very first reason and important thing about Indian people is that they are very cost effective. There are two main reasons behind the cost-effectiveness. The first one, an Indian currency rates, and the second one is high competition. An Indian currency is not much stronger than US dollars or Euro or Pounds and most country’s currency so you can pay the lowest cost to them for your work. And the second most important thing is high competition. In India, there are many people are there with the talent so the competition is obvious between them.

2. Quality Work

Indian freelancers work very hard to produce the 100% result for you. Yes, it’s true they are not expensive, they will provide any service at cheapest cost but this doesn’t mean that they will not provide you the quality work. Indian freelancers always provide quality work at very low cost. If you are thinking low cost goes low-quality product then let me clear one thing that is what you are thinking is low cost, Indians actually thinks it’s a high cost because of currency factor.

3. Great Talent and Skills

As we know world’s top companies having great CEO and they are Indians.

4. More and more expertise options

There are many experts are available in India. Because India’s education system is very good as compared to others. And there are a lot of people are working hard to share the knowledge. India has grown up with high technology so most of the people connected with the internet and they are increasing daily. India’s most of the freelancers are in the field of IT sector so you’ll get options easily in on any Indian freelance sites

5. Time flexible

The biggest reason for project failure is, due to time inconsistency between two different region countries. Every client needs the flexible time to have good communication/work with the freelancers. Indian timing has very inconsistent with the US and UK but even that the timings of India do match for their work or for communicating with the client.

Best freelance sites to hire Indian freelancers

There are some top Indian freelance sites where you can hire Indian freelancers. Only you need to post your requirements on their sites.

  1. Freelancer.in
  2. Worknhire
  3. Forlancer
  4. Guru

How to hire freelancers?

Almost all freelance sites having a common workflow to hire freelancers on their website. Now, the question arises what’s the workflow? It’s very simple and straightforward.

  1. Sign Up
  2. Post job
  3. Review quotations
  4. Hire

Read more about How to hire freelancers in the online marketplace?

