Designing a new “peer-to-peer-to-peer” network architecture

Rick Crites
3 min readAug 29, 2018


The Internet has been responsible for a lot of disruption during the last 30 years.

Not the least of these disruptions has been the trend toward “disintermediation” — the removal of middlemen from many commercial processes. Amazon, Uber and AirBnB are three great examples. Amazon put buyers in touch with sellers and disrupted the retail industry. Uber put drivers in touch with riders and disrupted the taxi industry. AirBnB put guests in touch with hosts and disrupted the hotel industry.

These companies, and many others, provide an important step in the right direction. But, most Internet companies are really just a different type of middleman. Their “peer-to-peer” model is really “peer-to-company-to-peer”.

Truly peer-to-peer networks, like Napster, Kazaa and µTorrent, have been around for many years. But these systems have some short-comings that make them difficult to apply to e-commerce. Older peer-to-peer systems require that users keep the peer-to-peer networking software running and stay connected to the internet to participate in e-commerce or file sharing.

OmniBazaar, Inc. has developed and patented a new “peer-to-peer-to-peer” network architecture. The advanced design solves a long-standing problem with peer-to-peer systems.

The new OmniBazaar network architecture allows users to sell products and services in a “peer-to-peer-to-peer” marketplace without the need to keep their computer running and continuously connected to the internet. The “peer-to-peer-to-peer” design allows casual users to post their marketplace listings to a selected “Publisher” node. The Publisher node then makes that content continuously accessible to other marketplace users.

OmniBazaar was designed and built for the average person who wants to buy and sell in the marketplace without running a full node on the network all the time. Our technology has already allowed us to develop a ‘lite’ client for the casual user and opens the door for development of mobile applications.

The OmniBazaar Publisher Node system is one of several features that help to reduce the “friction” associated with the use of a peer-to-peer marketplace. Other friction-reducing features include a choice of built-in cryptocurrencies (including BTC and ETH), a simple escrow system, and a social messaging system.

The latest version of the OmniBazaar software is available as part of our public beta test. Beta testers and early adopters receive free OmniCoins for use in the marketplace. Anyone can download the OmniBazaar software at The OmniBazaar marketplace is open and “live” during the beta test, and the public is encouraged to participate.

About OmniBazaar:

OmniBazaar is a community-owned, peer-to-peer, e-commerce marketplace. The OmniBazaar ecosystem includes its own built-in cryptocurrency (“OmniCoin”), an influencer marketing system, social messaging, reputation tracking, escrow agents, and bonuses to provide user incentives for participation and growth. With OmniBazaar, online sellers save 90%–100% of the fees they would pay Amazon or eBay. Online buyers benefit from lower prices, and escape from “big data” tracking and “push” marketing. Social influencers enjoy a simple referral system that allows them to monetize their social networks. Marketplace users can generate additional income by hosting listings for other user or providing escrow services in the marketplace. OmniBazaar provides a simple “gateway” to cryptocurrency by allowing users to barter for bitcoin℠.



Rick Crites

Entrepreneur | Inventor | Engineer | Writer | Digital Nomad (Currently living and working in Panama) | NFT Artist and Developer at AvatArt | CEO at OmniBazaar