Unveiling Omnichain NFT Gateway

3 min readAug 9, 2022


Today, we are really excited to announce our recent development — Omnichain NFT Gateway. Our next cross-chain solution enables transferring any NFT between chains! All of that without burning an original NFT and losing its on-chain history and utility.

Bridges are flawed 🌉

Our position on the existing NFT bridges is radical. You can learn more about it in the linked article.

Current bridges have their fundamentals cons:

  • Original NFT is being burned on the source blockchain during bridging.
  • The copy on the destination chain “pretends” to be the original while it’s not.
  • Copy doesn’t contain the original’s on-chain history (transactions, external contracts’ references, utilities). And in Web3, that’s everything.
  • Most external contracts don’t know about a copy's existence, and the burned original is unrecoverable. Misunderstanding can lead to a huge value loss (let’s say burning your most valuable NFT).

Solution — Omnichain NFT Gateway 🪄

Our solution, from a technical standpoint, is also an NFT bridge, but one that fixes the above-mentioned problems.

  • Original NFT is not burned but instead locked in the Gateway contract, and recoverable for the owner in exchange for the copy.
  • We call it like it is, a copy on the destination chain is just a wrapped version of the original NFT. It has the same properties and metadata as the original but it doesn’t have its on-chain history and references.
  • Utility is never lost, an owner can always return to his/her original NFT and burn the copy.
  • Gateway is not limited to certain NFTs (e.g. created via our Launchpad). It supports any ERC-721 contract with the intent to support additional standards, like ERC-1155, in the nearest future.

Any NFT is Omnichainable ⚛️

As stated above, the Omnichain NFT Gateway is fully compatible with all existing ERC-721 NFTs! Any digital collectible can now be safely wrapped and transferred between chains with guaranteed recoverability of the original. Support for more NFT standards, like ERC-1155, will be added soon.

The following picture presents the transfer of a single NFT from the BNB Chain (original) to the Avalanche (copy), and back to the BNB Chain with the original NFT being recovered by the owner 👇

BNB Chain -> Avalanche -> BNB Chain

Additional picture displaying the recoverability of the original. NFT with token ID no. 1 is firstly locked and transferred (copied) and later it comes back to the owner without losing its reference to the contract (collection) and the rest of its on-chain history. As you can also see, that NFT is 77 days old and it is still compatible with the Gateway 😊

TokenID no. 1 is not lost during bridging


Soon. As you can see our implementation is already working as intended and we’ll deploy it into the current Testnet in the nearest future. However, we are also very aware that cross-chain operations aren’t something to be careless and we don’t want to toy with our users' property without making sure everything is safe and well-tested. With the Launchpad Mainnet being our current priority, we plan to deploy Gateway a little bit after that with no exact ETA (depends on the Testnet behavior). The initially supported blockchains will be Ethereum, Polygon, Moonbeam, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Fantom.

