Baby explains: Quantum physics

Davis Omogi
3 min readJun 29, 2023


A baby explains quantum physics to you

Imagine you have a magical microscope that can zoom in really, really close to the tiniest things in the universe. When you look through this special microscope, you enter a whole new world called the quantum world.

A quanta just means the smallest amount of something (for example a Quanta of light is a photon) so don’t let the word shiver your timbres, quantum physics aka quantum mechanics is just the physics of small stuff e.g. photons and electrons.

In this quantum world, things get really strange and surprising. You know how we usually think of objects as either a particle or a wave? (Things that aren’t waves are particles ranging from sand particles, to you and me and stars🙂) Well, in the quantum world, things can be both at the same time! Imagine a tiny particle like an electron. It can act like a speedy little ball, zipping around, but it can also behave like a wavy ripple, spreading out in different directions. This is called the wave particle duality.

The Wave particle duality by minute physics on YouTube

Now, here’s where it gets even more amazing. In the quantum world, particles can do something called "quantum teleportation." It’s not like in the movies where people instantly disappear and reappear somewhere else. Instead, it’s about particles being mysteriously connected, no matter how far apart they are. It’s like having a secret connection between two friends. When something happens to one particle, the other particle feels it instantly, even if they’re on opposite sides of the universe. It’s like they’re chatting and keeping each other updated on what’s happening. Scientists call this "quantum entanglement," and it’s mind-boggling!

Quantum entanglement

Another mind-bending concept in quantum physics is "superposition." Imagine you have a magical box, and inside it, you put a cute little kitty and a playful puppy. In the quantum world, when you close the box, the kitty and the puppy can be in a superposition of states. That means they're both simultaneously a kitty and a puppy until you open the box and observe them. It's like Schrödinger's famous thought experiment with the cat, where the cat is both alive and not alive until you look. So, in the quantum world, things can exist in multiple states at the same time!

Lastly, quantum physics tells us about the "uncertainty principle." Imagine you're trying to measure how fast a tiny particle is moving and where it is at the same time. Well, the uncertainty principle says you can't know both things with complete accuracy. It's like trying to find out if your friend is running super fast or standing still, but the more you focus on their speed, the blurrier their position becomes. It's a bit like playing a game of hide-and-seek with particles, and they're really good at hiding!

So, quantum physics is like exploring a magical world where things can be particles and waves, where particles can be connected no matter how far apart, where objects can be in multiple states at once, and where there's always a bit of uncertainty and surprise. It's a realm of mystery and wonder that scientists are still discovering and trying to understand.

In short classical physics is the physics of normal sized stuff while quantum physics is the physics of really small stuff like photons and elections.🙂

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