Davis Omogi
2 min readJul 4, 2023

The Curious Case of Windows 9: Why Did Microsoft Skip a Number?


In 2015, Microsoft released Windows 10, which was a major overhaul of the Windows operating system. However, many people were surprised that Microsoft skipped Windows 9 in favor of Windows 10. There are a few reasons why Microsoft made this decision.


One reason for skipping Windows 9 was marketing. Microsoft wanted to make a clean break from Windows 8, which was not as well-received as previous versions of Windows. By calling the new operating system Windows 10, Microsoft was able to start fresh and create a new identity for the product.


Another reason for skipping Windows 9 was compatibility. Many legacy applications check for the presence of Windows 95 or 98 by searching for the string "Windows 9" in the name of the operating system. If Microsoft had released Windows 9, these applications would have been unable to differentiate between Windows 9 and Windows 95/98, which could have caused problems.

Future plans

Finally, some people believe that Microsoft skipped Windows 9 because it had plans to make Windows 10 a more long-term operating system. With Windows 10, Microsoft is moving to a new model of delivering updates on a regular basis, rather than releasing major new versions of the operating system every few years. By skipping Windows 9, Microsoft was able to start Windows 10 off on the right foot and make it clear that this would be the future of Windows.


There are a few reasons why Microsoft skipped Windows 9. These reasons include marketing, compatibility, and future plans. Whether or not Microsoft made the right decision is a matter of opinion, but there is no doubt that Windows 10 has been a success.