The Build: Peeling back the layers of native LLM application deploymentsA story birthed at the intersection of Computer Science and Software EngineeringSep 12, 2024Sep 12, 2024
Published infimioEmbracing Change: Our Decision to Pivot from Web3Dear Valued Community,Oct 5, 2023Oct 5, 2023
Published infimioHow Reputation Mechanisms Supercharge Decentralized CommunitiesPrior to web3 there was the Web 3.0:Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
Published infimioAnnouncing Fimio’s Malicious Smart Contract API Alpha 0.0.1 ReleaseWe are thrilled to share what we have been working on with you, and are so excited to announce that Fimio’s API for smart contract fraud…Mar 28, 2023Mar 28, 2023
Published infimioFimio Day 3 @ EthDenverBufficorn oh Bufficorn! The Fimio hummingbird was super eager to hang out with the Bufficorn. But it seemed the Bufficorn was complete…Mar 3, 2023Mar 3, 2023
Published infimioFimio Day 2 @ EthDenverGM Frens! Day 2 for the Fimio team at EthDenver was filled with all thing decentralized machine learning. We attended the countdown to the…Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
Published infimioFimio Day 1 @ EthDenverGM Frens! Team Fimio is here for EthDenver and we are super pumped to be spending the week with all our web3 crypto frens.Mar 1, 2023Mar 1, 2023
AI At The Frontier: Global ViewpointI spoke at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference on AI at the frontier. Below is a fleshed-out version of my talk. You can watch the video…Jul 19, 2019Jul 19, 2019
SOCML 2017I recently returned from Google Research’s Self Organizing Conference on Machine Learning (SOCML) aka Pre-NIPs 2017. Conceived by the Ian…Dec 8, 2017Dec 8, 2017
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazine#20YearsACoderIn celebration of my #20YearsACoder, I am conducting a retrospective on the journey. In 1997, I started my academic career at the…Jun 29, 20171Jun 29, 20171