2022: The Year Filled with Overwhelming Gratitude.

Omotola Eunice OMOTAYO
5 min readDec 31, 2022


It is not for me that doth but for me that received favor as a gift from God

After ending the previous year, 2021, with a heartbreaking rejection, I was unsure what 2022 held for me (most significantly, career-wise). I have objectives for my career; I knew what I wanted, but I needed to figure out when or how I'd get it.

While dealing with depression in the last quarter of 2021, I also started January 2022 with so much uncertainty, but I did not allow this to affect my work standards. I kept pumping my passion into the work I was doing. I was applying for jobs because I had a full-time 9–5 job, but I was done with it. I needed a career change, and I wanted to be financially stable. The year 2022 didn't start for me with written goals; I had none! The plans began coming into focus during the year.

Omotola Eunice: The Community Queen

The Journey

In the first quarter of 2022, I executed the workshops on "Activating the Power of Communities, Human Rights, and Laws to End TB." in Lagos and Abuja. It was a massive milestone for me as I led the project, from applying for the grant to writing out the project plans alongside my team both in Nigeria and Chicago.

Fast forward to the second quarter of 2022, and I began a full-time remote role with Outreachy. I'm grateful for all the experience I have gathered in the past few years, which has prepared me for the position. Some of these are my experiences working with and supporting the rights of the underrepresented population, empowering women and girls in tech, and advocating for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Since then, I've been making a difference through the program and giving the applicants, interns, mentors, coordinators, and other organizers much support.

One of the "hot" rejections I got the previous year also opened my eyes to open payments. Since it speaks so much about inclusion and people, I gathered all I learned during the job application and interview and started digging and learning more about open payments. Out of curiosity, I found a problem that I could provide a solution to with the skills I have. I proposed a solution, which led to another opportunity to deliver value and build a product community from scratch with Chimoney. I launched the community and led initiatives like the Ambassadorship Program and Chimoney x Hacktoberfest 2022.

I've been working with She Code Africa for over four years. I do this with passion, have learned while doing it, and have grown immensely. This year, during the SCA Summit 2022, the first of its kind and the largest women-in-tech conference in Africa, which was planned and executed alongside the other SCA team, I was named one of She Code Africa's Amazons for 2022. Watch the powerful and inspiring moment here. Among other initiatives I planned this year at She Code Africa, the SCA Hackfest 2022 was another highlight.

I traveled out of Nigeria for the first time. I got fully sponsored opportunities to speak at conferences in the United States (DevOps World 2022 and Interledger Summit 2022), but I was denied a visa on both occasions. This sure hurts! Still, I'm glad my proposal was accepted, and I was chosen as a speaker. I'm also thankful for the whole travel grant. It sure motivates me to do more!

I went to Ghana to represent Outreachy at the PyCon Ghana 2022 event (more details here).

I spoke at in-person events (PyCon Ghana 2022, OSCAFest Abuja, WTM Abuja power panel, CMFest 2022) and virtual events (2022 Community Led Summit 2022, 2022 LLVM Dev Meeting, Empower Community X NTIT Bootcamp). I got a fully funded scholarship from Commsor to enhance my community management skills (read more here).

For the first time in my life, I celebrated my birthday!
I reached a milestone. Looking back on where I am coming from, all I have gone through, and where I am today, it is worth celebrating. My close friends and family were there to celebrate with me, and I felt loved.

Pictures from my 30th birthday celebration

This year, I built my relationship with God, and the phrase I use the most is "God's love is enough." I let go of relationships I was alone with and strengthened more intentional ones.

I am enjoying the strength and blessing that comes with peace.

Lessons: What stood out for me in 2022?

  1. Have people you can talk to and build with.
    Although depression, rejection, or burnout may occur, do not underestimate the power of an intentional circle.
  2. Whatever you do, do it well and give it your best.
    While you are giving value, ensure you take value in as well.
  3. Prepare for that opportunity, put yourself out there, and don't be afraid to apply.
    You can learn from rejection. You can bring out opportunities from rejection.
  4. Define your relationships; do not assume!
    Let go when there is a need to. Love yourself more. The best for you will come.
  5. God is not done with you!
    He has the best plan for you, and his time is perfect.
  6. There is a saying my mom always tells me and reminds me of in our local language (Yoruba). Here is the translation in English: "Sometimes when things are tough, and it seems there is no way, note that you are just about to break through. Don't give up!"

Goals for 2023

It's happening again! I have yet to set any goals. And no, I am not feeling depressed. Instead, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the things and opportunities that have come my way this year and for the times I have been able to show up.
I have some initiatives that would benefit many people, but I have not wanted to advance them lately because many people are doing them. But then, I'm getting to realize that we have our own unique ways of doing things. So, come 2023, I will be rolling it out.

In 2023, the dream of traveling around the world will be actualized. So cheers to learning, making impacts, being open to and building more meaningful and intentional relationships, traveling, and making memories!



Omotola Eunice OMOTAYO

Community manager| Tech, Marginalized population, Diversity and Inclusion Advocate