
Om Raj
4 min readNov 12, 2022


The creator

Lord Bramha is also known as the creator of the Universe.Bramha has four heads from which the four Vedas have originated,and recite the four Vedas constantly. Bramha is also known for his endless knowledge and his kindness. Lord Bramha is always depicted with four heads and four hands. His four heads face towards four prominent directions and he holds Vedas , kamadal(water pot), mala(rosary) and surkas( ladle types to feed the sacrificial fire). He can always be found sitting on a lotus and a swan/goose near him which is his vahan.

According to Vishnu Puran bramha is born from a lotus which is connected through the navel of lord Vishnu.

Lord Bramha has been assigned with the work of creation of the universe.He creates a new universe during his day and destroys it during his night.

Lord Bramha has the life span of a hundred years but the years are different from human years.

A beautiful depiction of Bramha years is given in our ancient scriptures which is as follows

A day of Bramha =1000Chaturyuga or 4.32 billion Human years.

1 chaturyuga = 4 yugas.

There are 4 yugas namely

• Tertayug
• Dwaparyug
• Kaliyug
We are currently in Kaliyuga.

According to the Hindu texts lord Bramha has spent 53 years of his life span.

According to Hindu scriptures the earth is 4.320 billion years old. And recently scientists have found out that earth is about 4.543 billion years. Although there are certain discrepancies in the numbers, the fact that they are so close is quite fascinating .

Now one might casually think if lord Bramha is the creator of the whole universe why isn’t he prayed as much as the other deities prayed in India. For which there are two most popular beliefs , Vaman Puran when Lord Vishnu created Lord Bramha he had 5 heads. One day Lord Bramha and Lord Vishnu had a conflict saying who is the greatest amongst them, while they were arguing about it an eternal flame pillar appeared in front between those two and the flame pillar said “ Whoever finds the start or the end of this flame pillar shall be considered as the greatest ” Both Lord Vishnu and Lord Bramha decided to go to extreme ends and after several days passed they returned back to the starting position, The flame pillar vanished and Lord Shiva appeared before them and asked if they had found the beginning or the end of the pillar , Lord Vishnu who went to find the end of the flame pillar said he wasn’t able to find the end. On the other hand out of ego Lord Bramha who went to find the start of the flame pillar lied that he had found the beginning of eternal flame pillar.

Lord Shiva on hearing the lie clipped lord Bramha’s fifth head which was the representation of his ego with his left hand’s nail . And cursed that no one will ever pray to you even though you are the creator of the universe. Lord Bramha immediately realised his mistake and asked for forgiveness.

Another prominent belief is that once Lord Bramha had to perform a yajna so he dropped his lotus on earth, the lotus fell at Puskar, Rajasthan.and a source of water emerged there , Lord Bramha went to the place of yajna and waited for his spouse Mata Saraswati to come. As it was getting late Lord Bramha married a female named Gayatri near Pushkar. He did this as it was important for his spouse to be by his side during the yajna and mata Saraswati was late , when mata Saraswati arrived there she was disheartened to see that lord Bramha had married someone else ,she was furious and cursed Lord Bramha that no one would ever pray him nor there will be many temples of his , and thus no prays lord Bramha and there are only two temples of lord Bramha one in Pushkar and the other in Tamil Nadu.

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Om Raj

Student| Intrested in Mythology | does coding every now n then|