Is Ghostwriting Worth It?

Peace Yetunde Onafuye
3 min readJan 20, 2020


More often than not, the word ‘ghostwriting’ is associated with pop culture (specifically, music). It also a buzzing word in the book publication scene, especially for celebrity memoirs.

Regardless, ghostwriting is even more popular amongst online content. A good number of the blog posts and website articles you consume were written by ghostwriters.

Yes, it’s a thing!

Ghostwriting is far from complicated. It’s simply a process. A writer creates the content without getting the credit when posted.

As a ghostwriter, you allow another to put their name on your work.

That’s not all!

The person or organization who commissions the work owns the copyright of the work and can edit or modify it as they see fit.

To be clear, a ghostwriter does the following:

  • Editing a rough draft and expanding it
  • Transcribing a client’s rough notes
  • Writing original and SEO-based blog posts
  • Accepting a topic and brief, and writing a post to suit a client’s goal
  • Developing ideas, waiting for approval, and ghostwriting the posts

Benefits of ghostwriting clients

Ever wondered why these bloggers, individuals, and organizations use ghostwriters? Take a look.

Saves time

Execs, established bloggers and business owners do not have time to figure out content for their websites or blogs. Speaks volumes when you discover that big companies with varying tasks hire ghostwriters. Now, take for instance: if a100-word post takes a maximum of 20 minutes, how about 500, 1000 and even more? Where is the time? Besides, an unplanned presentation might come up in the middle of an important task. When this happens, a ghostwriter is a mail away.


Who doesn’t want that?

A client will probably hire a ghostwriter because due to wavering interests in the creative and writing process. Hiring one affords client flexibility. The client can be wholly interested or just back off until the work is complete.

If a client is going all in, he or she can provide an outline, themes, sub-topics, and basic research before handing over to the writer. The hands-off approach allows the team of ghostwriters to develop original ideas, and buzzing topics, conduct research and produce fantastic content for your online and offline needs.

Professional and custom curated content

This may be news for some but professional writers exists. Organizations and individuals seek writers, editors, and copywriters for the sole of creating copies that are above par.

Once clients can communicate their ideas, the ghostwriter steps up!

The writer then curates original content that is tailored to the needs of the firm, organization or individual needs. Talk of a double dose of professionalism and peace of mind!

Moving on…

Having established that a ghostwriter does all the work without the credit, then why do writers settle for ghostwriting?

It’s simply for the benefits!

#Benefits of ghostwriting writers

Ghostwriting is lucrative

The primary benefit here is money.

Because you’re not getting credit for your work, you’ll be paid more than a guest writer, contributor, or credited freelancer. It’s that simple, being credited is valuable to a writer’s reputation, portfolio, and credibility. A byline also helps to attract new gigs.

So, the money makes up for all these. Moreover, as a ghostwriter, you can charge as much as you can. With flexibility and negotiations here and there, you can settle for a fee.

To top that, securing a ghostwriting gig opens one to a long term business relationship with the client. After all, most individuals and organizations want original content with consistency. Meaning, there’s a high chance that they stick with the same writer or writing agency.

Exposure to big names

Ghostwriting is not as basic as it seems. Most times, ghostwriters work closely with their clients. Reason being that these writers get to see the rough notes or ideas of clients, and interview them to create content tailored to their needs.

Besides, ghostwriters stick to a niche or have their expertise, especially for blogs. It’s the perfect opportunity to build affiliations with a big name in the scene.

Not to forget the experience.

Ghostwriting for a big name gives you first hand or behind the scenes insights of a top firm, blog, or a big shot author you’re ghostwriting for. It’s a sure eye-opener for aspiring bloggers and authors.

Bottom line:

Yes, ghostwriters don’t get the credits. However, they are fully aware of what they are signing.

