The Architects of

6 min readOct 23, 2023


Intro is a project founded and developed by some of the most accomplished individuals in the fields of open-source software, cybersecurity, and peer-to-peer computing. In this article, we’ll introduce you to two visionaries leading and share our thoughts on why we believe in them to solve the most difficult challenges in the blockchain space: to build a sustainable open-source environment for developers and bring true transparency to smart contracts.

Jae Kwon — The Founder of

Source: CoinDesk

From an Elite Silicon Valley Developer…

After graduating from Cornell University in 2005 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Jae Kwon started his career as a professional developer at Silicon Valley, where he led and co-founded numerous successful web/app services. Below are some of his notable works in the Web2 space.

  • Alexa: Jae developed and maintained the Alexa Web Search Platform, a framework for creating search engines.
  • Yelp: Jae led the development of the Yelp iPhone app, which was successfully launched at the Apple AppStore debut.
  • iDoneThis: Jae co-founded iDoneThis, a productivity service for task management that is now used by Uber, X (Twitter), and Airbnb.

Beyond his work within private companies, Jae has been an active contributor to various open-source projects, including a CoffeeScript Compiler/Interpreter and an encrypted email system to foster collaborative efforts to build public goods.

To the Inventor of Tendermint and Cosmos…

Driven by his interest in distributed systems, Jae embarked on his journey in blockchain following his initial exposure to Bitcoin in 2012. His initial work involved building a crypto exchange. However, recognizing that the lack of finality and scalability of PoW was a major bottleneck to the mass adoption of blockchain, he redirected his efforts toward an initiative focused on implementing an alternative consensus mechanism that ensured fast finality and high performance. After months of dedicated research in the field of distributed computing and BFT algorithms, Jae conceived Tendermint in 2014. Subsequently, he founded All in Bits (AiB) to focus on its development and refinement.

In 2016, the concept of building infrastructure for the development and interoperability of sovereign blockchains powered by the Tendermint consensus engine evolved into the Cosmos Project. The following year, in 2017, AiB established a non-profit entity known as the Interchain Foundation (ICF), based in Switzerland. This organization was tasked with the oversight of the Cosmos project, and Jae assumed the role of its President.

In the same year, the ICF conducted a public fundraiser with an ICO, securing $17 million. The ICF played a pivotal role in funding and stewarding the launch of key components of Cosmos, such as the Tendermint Engine, the Cosmos-SDK, and the IBC Protocol. These collective efforts culminated in the establishment of a multi-billion dollar ecosystem.

It wasn’t until 2020 that Jae Kwon stepped down from his position as CEO to help complete the vision of Cosmos by building the last piece of the puzzle that was needed — the next-generation smart contract programming infrastructure for the interchain.

…Who Now Leads As Its Founder

For years, Jae was focused on research and development of what came to be the foundations of In February 2021, Jae made an official announcement regarding his primary focus on on X and went on to develop the foundational elements of the Gno Stack. Even after his departure, Jae continued to display his deep commitment and concern for the Cosmos Hub with his active involvement in its governance, and by offering ATOM holders a 75% airdrop of GNOT tokens (the native gas token of

In 2022, Jae returned to All in Bits (AiB) as its CEO. Since his return, he has been responsible for coordinating the development efforts of critical projects at AiB, which encompass, Tendermint2, and the Ignite CLI.


Manfred Touron — VP of Engineering at

Source: YouTube

From a Master of Cloud Computing and Open Source…

After graduating from Epitech, a private programming school, in 2011, Manfred Touron has been actively involved in the development and co-founding of many projects, primarily centered on cloud computing and open-source software. Notable highlights of his career include:

  • Scaleway: As the Co-Founder & CTO, Manfred led the development of the world’s first dedicated ARM-based cloud platform.
  • Wulo: Manfred was the Founder & CEO of Wulo, a non-profit alternative to Uber. Under his leadership, Wulo reached 11k passengers in only 5 months before ceasing its operations.

In addition to these ventures, Manfred maintained a continuous focus on areas such as collaboration, education, and information security. He offered advisory and consulting services to a diverse range of companies, including PMG Consulting, Holberton School, and Episeclab, further contributing to his professional journey.

To an Advocate of Liberty, Free Speech, and Cryptography…

Manfred and his team from Wulo harnessed their expertise in cloud computing and open-source software to conceive Berty, a secure censorship-resistant peer-to-peer messaging application. Driven by a strong commitment to principles of liberty and free speech, Manfred is spearheading the development of Berty to empower individuals who value privacy. Underpinned by extensive research in the realms of end-to-end encryption, cryptography, and offline communications via Bluetooth technology, Berty aims to establish a standard in decentralized secure communication infrastructure.

…Who Is Now The VP of Engineering at

It is evident that Manfred’s previous experiences and guiding principles are in close alignment with the ethos and goals of After his first contributions to the Gno Repository in March 2022, Manfred became one of its most active developers. It was in May when he joined the organization as the VP of Engineering.

Today, Manfred is taking on the responsibility of overseeing the development of, and travels across the world to spread the word on Gno at conferences to thousands of people.



The remarkable track records of’s co-founders, Jae Kwon and Manfred Touron, serve as a testament to their extensive expertise and understanding of cryptography, cloud computing, and the open-source culture. With an aligned vision to build the most transparent and sustainable blockchain, these architects are set to design a platform that is genuinely attractive for developers to build on. However, such a task is challenging even for the brightest minds. That’s why we need you — builders who can help complete the vision of the future epicenter of the most advanced smart contracts.

Join our journey today.




A blockchain software development firm based in Seoul