Looking for Sponsors of the Next Major PHPStan Release!

Ondřej Mirtes
2 min readApr 5, 2018


PHPStan brings me a lot of joy — I love working on it, the community, the positive feedback and the numbers make it worth while. But it comes with a cost — and that is my time.

I've already been experimenting with different monetization options. The most persistent one is Patreon but the funds justify my work on PHPStan for only about one night per month and that would get us nowhere. Of course I'm pouring more time into it but that's not sustainable long term. There are enough burnout stories out there and I want to be careful about it. One should not have to go into a day job to put bread on the table and then spending evenings on the thing that actually makes a big mark on the world.

I believe there's a lot of value in PHPStan, it saves time and money twice — you don't have to write tests for every line of code to verify that your application works, and it prevents critical bugs reaching production so you're not losing money because your customers can't buy the thing they want.

People who are already using it can't imagine their PHP projects without it anymore. And their ranks grow every day. To make sure PHPStan is here to stay and is being continuously and consistently improved, it needs funding. That's why I came up with the idea of release sponsorship. We piloted it last November with Roave and it was awesome.

Here's what you get when you sponsor the next release:

  • Mention in an article here on Medium with your custom message that gets published along with the release. The last article about PHPStan 0.9 has 8.800 views.
  • Special tweet on two Twitter accounts with total of >3500 followers (@OndrejMirtes and @phpstan).
  • Mention in the release notes on GitHub.

Additionally, I post the Medium article on PHP subreddit and in several Slack communities.

So whether you're looking for new developers, or want to spread an important message about your product, or just want to make sure that PHPStan has a bright future, this is the perfect place to reach an international audience of PHP developers that care about code quality and modern tooling.

PHPStan 0.10 will be released in June 2018. The one-time sponsorship fee is €500. Please get in touch if this offer sounds intriguing to you.



Ondřej Mirtes

Author of PHPStan, static analysis tool for finding bugs in code without running it.