“The Sleep Revolution: Unveiling the Science and Power Behind ‘Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker, Ph.D.”

4 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash


In his book “Why We Sleep,” famous sleep scientist Matthew Walker examines the vital role that sleep plays in maintaining our general health. Walker explores the science of sleep, revealing how many facets of mental and physical health are affected by it. The book provides a thorough overview of the value of sleep and the possible repercussions of sleep deprivation.

Part 1: The Functions of Sleep

Chapter 1–3: The Necessity of Sleep

Walker starts off by stressing how common sleep is in the animal species and how important it is for learning, memory consolidation, and general cognitive function. He presents the idea that sleep acts as the brain’s housekeeper, eliminating debris and guaranteeing peak performance.

Chapter 4–5: REM Sleep and Dreaming

The author discusses the various phases of sleep, concentrating especially on REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and how it relates to dreaming. Walker talks about the function of dreams in regulating emotions as well as their possible cognitive advantages.




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