Announcing the One Game Crowdsale (OGT token)

One Game
7 min readJun 22, 2018


Find out how to participate in an incredible Virtual World powered by AI Blockchain

When the One Game team began working on the One Game platform project in 2017, we couldn’t have imagined the level of support that we would receive from the gaming and cryptocurrency community.

We’ve grown into a 14-person team of software developers, blockchain developers, game designers, and game developers in New York City. We’ve brought on partners including Deep Brain Chain and investors including Horman Capital, Hello Capital, CollinStar, and YouBi. We’ve build an incredible community of gamers, developers, crypto enthusiastics, and our products are becoming closer to what we envisioned with each passing day.

Today, One Game is excited to announce the Official Crowdsale of One Game Token (OGT). With the Crowdsale, we aim to to target gamers and developers who want to help grow the One Game platform and who will help us to build a strong platform of engaged and passionate players and game designer and a robust ecosystem of gaming world of the future.

What Is One Game?

One Game is a platform that aims at developing the first ever AI based decentralized virtual world on top of the blockchain ecosystem that improves the use and utilization of blockchain technology in the gaming and virtual reality space. The platform aims at improving performance by providing a decentralized governance among gamers and developers and support creation and sale of gaming assets peer-to-peer, and design of game play with low technical barriers applicable in the mass market.

The platform focuses on introducing consensus mechanisms: Proof of Popularity and Proof of Competitiveness and allows decentralized governance. Users can connect to the One Game platform through PC, VR headset, mobile devices.

Background of One Game

New York, February 26, 2018 /Yahoo Finance/ “One Game to ICO Decentralized, Self-Evolving Simulation Gaming Platform”

What is reality? As VR technology continues to advance, digital simulation games push the boundary between real and unreal, as the virtual world becomes indistinguishable from objective reality. Nonetheless, the simulations in which these virtual worlds are created are extremely limited. Although the content can be vivid and detailed, there are finite boundaries within the game that prevent players from extending their reach and exploring the many possible layers of the digital realm. Ultimately, the content becomes stale and players tire of the simulation.

Using blockchain technology, a Singapore-registered startup proposes a solution: One Game, a decentralized self-evolving VR platform built on top of blockchain. According to One Game’s CEO, Pu Shi — a former Googler and early cryptocurrency adopter — he foresees One Game as a platform that will break the final constraints between the real and virtual world. “The platform provides easy to use yet powerful tools that allow anyone to create their own digital simulation. The tools offer flexibility for novice players as well as advanced game developers to create complex digital simulations. Gamers are granted voting power and governance over the One Game realm, and are rewarded tokens for top performance and creativity. The tokenized economy incentivizes players and participants to act in mutual self-interest.”

The One Game platform is also self-evolving, and applies theories of genetic combination and selection to allow AI and other varied elements within the platform to crossbreed and evolve over time. Pu said this is the most exciting and groundbreaking aspect of the project, as it holds the potential to be the first platform to incubate AI that can pass the Turing Test. Although the platform is still at an early stage, he believes successive generations of genetic selection along with worldwide game play contributions will open this Pandora’s Box.

The One Game team consists of former Google engineers, veteran game developers, and Wall Street bankers. The platform will be unfolded over a four-step yearlong development plan through gradual stages: Wild Field, Muddy Farm, Light City, and Dream Land.

Supported by DeepBrain Chain and angel investors from China and the U.S., One Game Foundation is planning a token sale to fund the platform development.

Empowering the Gamers and Developers

“One Game, the decentralized virtual world built on the blockchain, is ultimately aiming to level the playing field between gamers, indie developers and modern gaming companies that currently takes all the profit.” says One Game CEO Pu Shi.

Engineered by a world-class technical team from the likes of Google, Microsoft, and Compass, and The 9 Limited, One Game will achieve a balance between gaming revolutionized consensus built on to make gaming world better than the real world.

The solid academic background of team members in computer science and mathematics makes One Game rigorous in designing and developing a gaming platform on top of the blockchain ecosystem, and the product and business resources make a great potential to fully utilize blockchain technologies in gaming scenarios.

The One Game project is currently at the alpha stage. The beta version will be launched soon.

One Game Roadmap and Development Plan

One Game Avatar Wallet is a product planned in our roadmap and will be launching in July, 2018. We are incredibly excited for this milestone. We created this product to allow players to be able to customize his or her digital avatar in the One Game Platform, deposit OGT and use the deposited OGT to win daily sweepstakes of digital assets, which can be applied on players’ avatar, land, or exchanged among players. Eventually the Avatar Wallet will become the entry point into the gaming world of One Game.

Therefore, the entire OGT Crowdsale process will be completed right inside the Avatar Wallet. We will provide functionalities in the Avatar Wallet where you can complete the Crowdsale registration. The Avatar Wallet will have other features release progressively as described in our white paper.

Within the wallet, you will be able to submit the Crowdsale registration information, check on your KYC status, see where to contribute ETH contribution, see your OGT tokens balance (including your bonus), and withdraw your OGT tokens. We hope that you will use the OGT here to do amazing things in the One Game world.

To incentivize our greatest supporters, within the same Avatar Wallet, we will also provide referral link to invite your friends to participate in the One Game platform. You will be rewarded with OGT tokens for these referrals.

The OGT token has real utility value. OGT is a utility token and can be used in the entire One Game platform. We encourage that you purchase OGT tokens for its utility, as the token will have increased utility value over time with the development and launching of our product pipeline in the One Game Platform.

One Game Crowdsale Date and Time

Open: July 20, 2018, 12 am GMT + 0
Close: August 20, 2018, 12 pm GMT + 0

In advance of the launch of the One Game Avatar Wallet, please complete the Early Bird Crowdsale Registration. The contributors who register in our Early Bird Crowdsale Registration form will have a higher personal cap and a higher priority in the Crowdsale. These additional details will be announced.

Once the Avatar Wallet is launched, you will complete the registration process and KYC process within our Avatar Wallet. Please register the Avatar Wallet using the same email address as you had submitted in the Early Bird Crowdsale Registration, in order to maintain your priority in the Crowdsale process.

We seek to make the Crowdsale registration process as easy and straightforward as possible.

Hard Cap: $15,000,000 USD
Soft Cap: None
Token distribution: Immediate on a successful transaction.
Token Liquidity: Tokens will be available for withdrawal after August 20, 2018.
Maximum contribution (per address): Cap will be announced. The contributors who register in our
early bird registration will a higher cap and a higher priority in the Crowdsale. These additional details will be announced.
Minimum contribution (per address): 0.2 ETH.
Token Price: $0.0075
Open: July 20, 2018, 12 am GMT + 0.
Close: When the hard cap ($15,000,000 USD) is reached, or on August 20, 2018, 12 pm GMT + 0, whichever occurs first.

The exchange rate of of ETH to OGT will be based on market price of ETH from on July 20, 2018, 12 am GMT + 0.

In total, 2,000,000,000 OGT tokens will be allowed to be sold in the public sale. Any unsold tokens will be burned.

OGT is a platform token created on the basis of Ethereum and using the ERC-20 Protocol. Tokens can be purchased using ETH. The price of the token on public sale is: $0.0075 / OGT. After Deep Brain Chain’s main-net launches, we will migrate from ERC-20 token to Deep Brain Chain in the future in order to take advantage of its AI computing platform. The transition will be seamless for end users.

Crowdsale Bonus

We will offer a bonus of 10% for the first 25% of hardcap, a bonus of 5% for the next 25% of hardcap, and no bonus thereafter.

The bonus balance will be given immediately when distributing OGT, be available for withdrawal after August 20, 2018. The bonus will be locked for three months post Crowdsale.

Use of Fund

We will be using the fund as shown below from the Crowdsale.

We are excited of the upcoming Crowdsale. Our admins are active in our Telegram channel. If you have any questions, please feel to reach out to us there.

Additional information
White Paper:



One Game

A decentralized, self-evolving virtual world that grants gamers and developers the ability to create and to control the digital universe