One Game Weekly Project Update: July 7-July 14

One Game
2 min readJul 13, 2018


One Game Weekly Update. Keep updated with the latest developments at One Game.

Part 01. Research and Development

  1. PC Client Map Editor
  • Modified the start and end conditions of the game
  • Improved storage of game content
  • The second example game before final test online

2. Avatar Wallet

  • In order to better support 3D input, the underlying engine switches from Egret to Layabox
  • Implemented the modification of the 3D character model
  • Final test before the product goes online

3. White Paper

Published version 1.5.0 White Paper:

Part 02. Compliance

Singapore law firm, Collyer Law LLC, completed the writing of user privacy and anti-money laundering provisions and completed the review of the One Game project white paper.

Part 03. Community Promotion

1. On July 7, One Game CEO, Pu Shi, attended the JAAS Blockchain Summit in Tokyo, Japan, and gave a speech on 1,200 participants.

JAAS Blockchain Summit, Tokyo, Japan.

2. Mr. Osamu, leader of the Japanese blockchain industry, invited our CEO, Pu Shi, to return to Japan on September 1 to participate in the Crypto 2.0 Party Tokyo event.

3. The live broadcast of TokenClub successfully completed at 4 pm on July 10th, Beijing time. 35,000 people watched.

4. Canadian English media BlockchainGamer released an interview article for the project.

5. CMO, Jane Wang, was invited to participate in AI Meets Blockchain Meetup, jointly organized by Bosch and Deep Brain Chain, in Stuttgart, Germany, on July 12, and introduced the development of the One Game project.

AI Meets Blockchain, Stuttgart, Germany.

6. CryptoPotato, an Israeli based crypto news platform, wrote about One Game in One Game: Building A Decentralized Virtual World.

Part 04. Community Operations

  1. The number of English telegram group has increased to 8,193, an increase of 601
    Telegram |
  2. The number of Twitter fans has increased to 5,405, an increase of 162
    Twitter ID | @onegamerocks

Additional information

White Paper:



One Game

A decentralized, self-evolving virtual world that grants gamers and developers the ability to create and to control the digital universe