How to use google spread sheet to generate merkle tree for ERC20 token airdrop

3 min readMay 17, 2024


1.what’s merkle tree

Refer to the definetion of merkle tree on wikipedia:[](

In cryptography and computer science, a hash tree or Merkle tree is a tree in which every “leaf” node is labelled with the cryptographic hash of a data block, and every node that is not a leaf (called a branch, inner node, or inode) is labelled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes. A hash tree allows efficient and secure verification of the contents of a large data structure. A hash tree is a generalization of a hash list and a hash chain.

As we know, an airdrop may contain numerous eligible addresses. Storing all these addresses would incur significant gas fees. Instead, we can simply store the Merkle root, which is a 32-byte value.

If you’re not a Solidity developer, grasping the basics of Merkle trees can be challenging. That’s why we’ve developed a tool called [oneclicktoken]( It simplifies the process of generating Merkle tree roots and, furthermore, enables the creation of ERC20 tokens with just a click. You won’t need any prior knowledge of web3, Solidity, or the ERC20 standard

At this early stage of our project, we’d like to highlight some of the features and supported chains

1.2 features

  • generate merkle root from google spread sheet
  • generate ERC20 token

2.How to generate merkle tree root from an online google spread

eg: google spread

Currently, we only support the following format:

claimer(address) amount(uint256)

2.1 get params

  • id
  • sheet name

To extract the unique ID from a Google Sheets URL, you can locate the string of characters following the `/d/` and preceding the `/edit` in the URL. For example, in the given URL, the unique ID is `1jVX3j-TlLtI3VJ-27DuOuZuCM3x6_zf9W5tI6k67TvQ`.

Next, to identify the specific sheet within the spreadsheet, navigate to the bottom left corner of the Google Sheets interface, where a list of sheets is displayed. From there, you can determine the name of the sheet you need to access. In the provided URL, the sheet name is `sheet1`.

Once you have obtained the unique ID and sheet name, you can proceed to our tool website, oneclicktoken Then, input the required parameters and click the `Calculate` button. This will generate the Merkle tree root and provide a download URL for the Merkle tree JSON file.

3.How to generate ERC20 token with airdrop using a single click?

3.1 get params

  • token name
  • token symbol
  • premint amount(1 == 1 ether token)
  • contract owner(deployer is the default owner)
  • merkle root(if you need an airdrop)

Once you have obtained above params, navigate to our webiste oneclicktoken input the required parameters and click the `deploy` button , then you can deploy your custom ERC20 token to target chains. If you need to test your token you can deploy it to sepolia testnet first it’s free.

Our project is in the very early stages, so you might encounter some issues while using it. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me through the following channels. Additionally, if you require a custom airdrop website or need assistance building a custom Solidity contract, feel free to contact me.




