10 Times a Career Coach can Help You When No-one Can

OneCube Coaching
7 min readDec 1, 2021


When it comes to your career, many times you may feel helpless and not know what to do. Instead of becoming frustrated and unhappy , I would suggest you Say HELLO to a Career Coach.

It’s because that expert is ready to lend you a hand. All you need to do is ask.

Today, I would like to talk about 10 times when Only a career coach comes to help you when No One Can. So, let’s see how that expertise can make a big change in your career.

1. Creating a Job-Winning Application

Are you getting zero responses from your job applications? You keep sending emails and waiting for days without positive feedback.

Create job winning application with a coach

And soon you start blaming yourself for being unlucky.

Instead of playing this blame game. Take a positive stance in this frustrating situation.

If you don’t get a reply from five recruiters, it’s fine. They have tons of applications and you can’t be the best candidate all the time.

However, when you don’t get an answer after fifty to a hundred job applications. It’s a red signal.

Readily connect with a career coach.

From the very first session, you will start realizing some mistakes you are making. We all make mistakes, it’s pretty normal.

But, if we keep making them then it will be harmful to our career growth.

A career coach will help you create the best application possible through which securing a new job becomes easy and straightforward..

2. Choosing a Career Path

Don’t know what career path to choose?

Well, it’s a situation we all experience at some point.

Choose Career path with an expert coach

Some of us need a definitive career path that can only be crafted by an expert career coach.

3. Making a Career Change

It’s never easy to switch to a new career. You need to think of so many things and don’t want to have any regrets.

I always advise my friends that if they can’t do it alone, they should call me for help. I’m there for them.

The same message comes from an EXPERT career coach. They keep telling people that they are ready for them if they need any kind of coaching in their career.

Since career change is a challenging move, you can handle it carefully by getting help from a career coach.

4. Getting Your Dream Job

Do you have a dream job in your mind?

We all have some jobs that we always dreamt of.

Instead of keep dreaming about it, please step up and do something about it.

Hire a Career Coach, tell him what your dream job looks like, and let him create some action plans for you.

The whole process seems pretty simple.

Isn’t it? Yes, you can have your dream job like others. But instead of waiting for that time to come, take some action and speed up the process via expert help.

5. Getting out of Career Failure Zone

You start your career as an educationist, move to the finance industry, and then try many business ideas. One after another, every career choice brings failure.

Career Coach helps you get out of Career Failure Zone

Day by day, positivity is replaced by negativity.

The hope of having a bright future tarnishes.

If that’s what you are going through, please get help from a career coach.

You wake up every day and consider yourself a failure.

Don’t do that.

No one is a failure. Some of us have to try hard to reach a point.

Stop comparing yourself with your colleagues or friends. Instead, join OneCubeCoaching.com

A lot of career experts are there ready to guide you on what career path will work for you.

The reason you keep failing with multiple careers is that you didn’t figure it out ALL right. Once you know what a career you should choose as per your personality, skills, and experience.

Things will change and become pretty positive.

6. Drafting a Resume As per Hiring System

Have you just hit a new country or town? Hiring systems and rules vary from one place to another. If you want to increase your chance of getting a job quickly at a new place, trust me only a career coach can help you.

Career coach helps you Create a Resume As per Hiring System

This expert will help you create a resume as per system requirements. You know that ATS requirements vary and you need to have a CV that is accepted by the hiring system. Instead of spending days getting to know a system, a shortcut here is to hire a career coach.

This professional knows all about the industry and its recruitment practices. With a few tips and ideas, you will be able to craft a job-winning resume.

Consider him as your company insider who will tell you what to do exactly for getting an interview call.

7. Building a Personal Brand

We will soon move to 2022. In the post-pandemic world, we all want to establish our personal brands. Instead of becoming a victim of layoff due to an uncertain tomorrow, we want to have a solid ground for ourselves.

When it comes to personal branding, a career coach comes and helps us in a way no other person can.

This professional has years of experience in moving people up on their career ladder.

So, that expert can tell us all about the secret sauce.

Personal branding is what everyone needs in this hi-tech era. Be an influencer on Instagram, have your clear vision before META becomes real, and have a strong footing in your industry base.

It’s how you outnumber other applicants and employees.

Build your personal brand with a career coach, if you want to beat the fear of uncertainty in your job or the changing world.

Don’t Forget to Read: I Don’t Know What to Do With My Career.. Let’s Figure it Out

8. Improving Job Skills

Don’t want to remain stuck at one job?

You will get bored for sure after some time.

Try looking as high as you can and connect with a career coach who will help you achieve big by improving your job skills.

Improving career skills with a career coach

Employers are more interested in talent and skills.

Tech skills are becoming popular and are high in demand in almost any industry.

So, if you want to move up the career ladder fast then keep improving your skills. It will help you do better in a short time.

9. Speeding Up CAREER Progression

Where do you want to see yourself in five years? Answer this question, and then readily connect with a Career Coach at OneCubeCoaching dot com

Career Coach Speeds up your career advancement

Why? Because you don’t need to wait for five whole years to get there. You can speed up this process and enjoy career advancement before five years.

Yes, it’s possible.

Most of us don’t advance in our careers as we keep doing what we are doing for quite a long time.

People who start with us reach the top of the mountain but we are still not moving a bit, we are stagnant and stuck in the same old routine.

It’s a dangerous scenario to be in as you pursue your career.

So, if you are walking on this kind of career path.


Call an expert and plan your career advancement. You are experienced and you can do it better than before.

Are you ready to move up? Please join the Client-coach platform

10. Planning for a New Job

Are you done with your current company?

Want to relocate or move to a better company?

In that scenario, no one can help you better than a career coach. Expert coaches have connections in multiple companies, thereby they can tell you all about

  • Industry trends
  • New job openings
  • Ways to get new jobs
  • Job-winning skills
  • Resume and cover letter
  • And much more

All such details will help you get a new job, which you deserve.

Final Thoughts

I only shared a few situations where a career coach can be of great help. In reality, that expert is super beneficial, no matter what your career matter is.

Hiring a career coach is your first step toward a better future.

Don’t be late, Join a platform where a coach connects with clients like you and helps you enjoy career growth and development.



OneCube Coaching

OneCubeCoaching.com is a platform to help you find a perfect coach, schedule appointments, create and retrieve your action item, and track your success.